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Lip Slurs to Low Register
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 11:44 am
by mbhalpern
Mitch the adult beginner here. Quick question: when I am practicing lip slurs I notice that slurring down to the low register requires a lot of embouchure adjustment and even then is iffy. Is this just par for the beginner course or am I missing something that is easily correctable? Thanks!
Re: Lip Slurs to Low Register
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 1:46 pm
by Savio
There is a youtube video with Brandt Attema where he talk and demonstrate about this subject. Its a long time since I saw it so I dont remember exactly what he told. Many bass trombone players do a shift down there, but in my experience you should try to make it as little as possible. I think its important to use the air right. Dont force to much air through the horn when going down there. Thats my two cents but Im not exactly an expert,
Re: Lip Slurs to Low Register
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:48 pm
by norbie2018
Try to keep the weight of the mp on your lower lip. This will help minimize the shift.
Re: Lip Slurs to Low Register
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:12 pm
by Doug Elliott
What are you calling "low register" and what mouthpiece are you using? I see from the other thread you're on a Blessing B88 (I guess that's the model). How much of a beginner are you, and what total range are you able to play at this point?
Re: Lip Slurs to Low Register
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:57 pm
by mbhalpern
I am using a Bach 6 1/2 AL mouthpiece and have been playing for a month. Range from first D above bass clef staff down to Ab (first space bass clef)
Re: Lip Slurs to Low Register
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 6:25 pm
by Doug Elliott
If you use Skype I will help you with a quick video call.