Edwards counterweight

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Edwards counterweight

Post by norbie2018 »

https://www.edwards-instruments.com/wp- ... /t383a.jpg

I've seen this counterweight on Jeremy Wilson's instrument, the one he uses in his recital series of videos. Has anyone seen this up close? What are the advantages?
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Re: Edwards counterweight

Post by harrisonreed »

I have seen it up close. It's just designed in a way that gives it a bit more mechanical advantage than the standard design has.

It will change the way the horn plays, much like any other counterweight, and also like the harmonic pillar brace (also in that picture) does as well.

They call that weight the "Tone Enhancing Resonating Device", or TURD, which tells you basically what that weight looks like and how much faith the makers have in it. Hahaha!
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Re: Edwards counterweight

Post by norbie2018 »

I saw that designation on the website and chuckled. The addition of a counter weight tends to focus the sound and make the instrument slot easier - from experience and instrument maker descriptions. It sounds like this funky counter weight is no different.
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Re: Edwards counterweight

Post by CalgaryTbone »

That counterweight was designed by Christan for the straight version of the Alessi model. I was at the factory getting some work done, and he told me in passing that he was inspired by high end audio equipment where the designers try to either allow something to vibrate, or try to prevent vibrations from transferring to another location. This counterweight has a very small footprint that actually touches the instrument. It seems to me that it would change the balance of the instrument with less impact on the vibration of the the instrument than one that covers most of the brace. Only the player can decide if it makes a positive difference for them, but it strikes me that it is a very inventive approach by one of the best innovators that we have currently in the trombone manufacturing world.

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Re: Edwards counterweight

Post by norbie2018 »

It'll be interesting to try. But that name...I'm glad they have a sense of humor.
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