Getting back into the trombone game

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Getting back into the trombone game

Post by ttf_anonymous »

Hello, all!

I am primarily a tuba player by trade, and I am looking to get back into the trombone game. Some background first--I am currently approaching the end of my doctorate in Contemporary Music at Bowling Green State University, and one thing I've come to realize over the last few years is the growing trend for academic tuba jobs to a) be folded into a general low brass position, or b) be stripped of tenure-track status and go adjunct. For the first five or so years of my tuba playing life (7th-12th grades) I played tuba and bass trombone just about equally, and I still own the Getzen bass trombone that I used back then. I've played it occasionally over the years, and now, as I look at the types of jobs that are available to someone in my position, I've come to realize that it would be beneficial to revisit and solidify my trombone chops.

So, to get to the main thrust of my post---would anyone out there have suggestions for how to approach developing one's chops on a related but still somewhat separate instrument? The bass trombone is similar enough to the tuba that it isn't completely foreign, but I have noticed a tendency to "sound like a tuba player" when playing the bass bone. I actually have quite a few bass bone method books, and had a few years of formal lessons on the instrument, so I'm not starting from scratch. Still, any advice that could be sent my way would be greatly appreciated!


Aaron H
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Getting back into the trombone game

Post by ttf_bigbassbone1 »

Best thing you could do would be to start having regular or semi regular lessons on bass trom. The fact that you have already got some kind of handle of the basics of playing the instrument, plus a couple of method books means you are not going to get much advice here that would be useful. A professional needs to SEE how you are practicing, listen to how you sound and discuss in person the areas that need attention.
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Getting back into the trombone game

Post by ttf_bigbassbone1 »

Best thing you could do would be to start having regular or semi regular lessons on bass trom. The fact that you have already got some kind of handle of the basics of playing the instrument, plus a couple of method books means you are not going to get much advice here that would be useful. A professional needs to SEE how you are practicing, listen to how you sound and discuss in person the areas that need attention.
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