question about classified ads

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question about classified ads

Post by BflatBass »

I hope I'm posting this in the right place.
I'd like to post an ad in the instrument classified's and I'd like to post a link to a place where pics of the trombone are listed. I've noticed other users doing this but I'm not sure what's the best way to do this. I've not done something like this in a really long time so a few suggestions would be helpful. Wherever I post pics of this horn needs to be safe and free. Is it possible with Google? If so where do I learn to do this? I'd also rather not have people email me for pics as I'd want them to be able to view the pics at their leisure without going through me first.
Any help with this is appreciated.

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Matt K
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Re: question about classified ads

Post by Matt K »

BflatBass wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2019 8:32 pm I hope I'm posting this in the right place.
I'd like to post an ad in the instrument classified's and I'd like to post a link to a place where pics of the trombone are listed. I've noticed other users doing this but I'm not sure what's the best way to do this. I've not done something like this in a really long time so a few suggestions would be helpful. Wherever I post pics of this horn needs to be safe and free. Is it possible with Google? If so where do I learn to do this? I'd also rather not have people email me for pics as I'd want them to be able to view the pics at their leisure without going through me first.
Any help with this is appreciated.

Yep! You can either post pictures here (some browsers don't like the process phpBB allows for though and will only let you upload one at a time, not much that can be done about that short of changing phpBB... or the browsers. I'm nto sure which ones it is because I haven't been able to reproduce the issue on any of mine). Long story short, it's usually just as easy to have your pictures uploaded to one of the free cloud file storing solutions like Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. That way if you post the link in more than one place, you don't have to upload the same images everywhere.

If you have a Gmail account, simply go to On the top left, create a folder (I actually have one for all my trombone stuff and then I put folders in that folder). THen upload the files into that folder. Once you're done, right click on the folder you created and then click 'share' and then 'get share link'. If you post that, anybody who has the code will be able to see that folder. However, make sure you get the code for just the folder you want to share; if you accidentally post a different one, you'll share something you potentially didn't want to!

The process is basically identical for Dropbox.

Another benefit to doing it this way is that you can upload directly from your phone so you don't have to transfer and then upload from your computer. You can just isntall one of those apps on your phone and take care of all but sharing the link there. (You can also share the link on your phone but I find it to be more cumbersome that way but others do that process exclusively).
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Re: question about classified ads

Post by harrisonreed »

Is there a way to "highly encourage" people to just post their dang pictures in the classifieds rather than the ubiquitous "email me for pictures!" thing? I know I just did this faux pas on my WTT ad, but when I put it up for sale and just had pictures in my post, it sold in a day.

Come on people! 2019 is the year my more-advanced-than-a-TNG-tricorder smart phone is telling me it is.

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Re: question about classified ads

Post by BGuttman »

harrisonreed wrote: Thu May 09, 2019 1:23 pm Is there a way to "highly encourage" people to just post their dang pictures in the classifieds rather than the ubiquitous "email me for pictures!" thing? I know I just did this faux pas on my WTT ad, but when I put it up for sale and just had pictures in my post, it sold in a day.

Come on people! 2019 is the year my more-advanced-than-a-TNG-tricorder smart phone is telling me it is.

phew, vent complete
Some of us are technically challenged.

Sometimes it's the browser that is technically challenged.

Some potential buyers just ask for pictures to satisfy a gawking need; no intention to buy.
Bruce Guttman
Merrimack Valley Philharmonic Orchestra
"Almost Professional"
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