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Benge 190f fit in MB tenor case

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 11:39 pm
by JLivi
This is a simple one. Does a Benge 190f fit into a Marcus Bonna Tenor Trombone case?


Re: Benge 190f fit in MB tenor case

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 9:46 pm
by Fruitysloth
Most MB cases have pads with velcro that can be removed. They're designed to work around most horns. Give the horn guys a call, they'll have a good idea of what doesn't fit in the MB cases.

Re: Benge 190f fit in MB tenor case

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 2:19 pm
by LeTromboniste
I don't see why it wouldn't fit, but if it didn't you might want to consider the bass case, which is actually shorter and more compact (and I think, lighter, not sure), at the expense of losing the in-bell mute carrying.

Marcus Bonna also takes custom orders for at least certain types of cases (don't know if he offers it for modern trombone cases of how much it would cost, and you'd probably still have to order through a store that sells his products).