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Alternative hand grips for double valve bass bone

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 11:42 am
by aaronhynds
Hello, all!

I have been dealing lately with some carpal tunnel pain in my left hand, and I have come to realize that some of it might be due to holding up the bass bone. I have recently been playing more bass bone, after several years off, so it's more than possible that I am holding the instrument in an incorrect way. I am aware of Doug Yeo's modified grip, and with my newly-acquired Neotech hand guard, I believe I've actually found an alternative grip that works well for me. Picture is below--basically, since the second valve paddle needs to fit back a bit to make room for the hand guard, I've found that using the index finger for the second paddle in this position is actually fairly comfortable, and much less stressful for me than the traditional hold.

So, I'm curious to know--what other alternative grips have you used/seen out there?


Re: Alternative hand grips for double valve bass bone

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 1:39 pm
by ghmerrill
I just posted a picture in another thread of what I've done with my horn: ... ler#p72731.

It took me months to get there, but the result is absolutely comfortable since the horn sits with neutral balance in my hand and requires no "gripping" (squeezing?) while playing. This turned playing the horn from a nightmare into a pleasure. You just have to find something that works FOR YOU and ditch any idea of adapting yourself to a painful ergonomic situation. Don't fit yourself to the instrument; fit the instrument to you.

Re: Alternative hand grips for double valve bass bone

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 3:47 pm
by walldaja
That grip has made playing much more enjoyable for me. I only play a .547 Bb / F and started playing it just a couple of years ago after playing a straight horn for over 45 years. I never felt totally secure holding the horn because I was used to my thumb being behind the bell brace. With the lever for the F attachment in front of the brace I didn't really have a way to feel like I had a good grip on the horn. Having that Neotech attachment makes the horn feel secure as well as making holding it easier! Glad it's working out for you!

Re: Alternative hand grips for double valve bass bone

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:13 pm
by WeekendWailer
I used to use the standard grip about 20 years ago but can't do it very long these days. I tried Doug Yeo's grip without a brace but that didn't work for me either because then a lot of weight ended up on my ring finger. What works for me is the combination of that grip style and a brace.