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Sterling silver bells on 1920s Conns?

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:57 pm
by BenM
I was recently looking through all the old Conn catalogs and magazines online at One fascinating thing I saw was the early ads for the Artist Ballroom models (22H, 24H, 26H). See Page 21 of this Musical Truth magazine, from 1928.

In this ad, it says that "Genuine sterling silver bell is standard on this model", and that it can also be supplied "with brass bell instead of sterling silver bell". The testimonial from Jaroslav Cimera also says "I like the marvelous tone quality produced by the sterling silver bell". The 1928 price list has prices for sterling silver bells on these models, but then that option seems to disappear by the early '30s.

Has anyone ever heard of or seen an example of these silver-belled Conns? The Conn Loyalist website doesn't mention anything about them, and I've never seen a '20s Conn for sale claiming to have a silver bell.
