Getzen 1062 Bass Trombone D Trigger Mod Question

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Getzen 1062 Bass Trombone D Trigger Mod Question

Post by BrassedOn »

I’m thinking about modifying a mid-90s Getzen Eterna 1062 Bass Bone D trigger (stacked) and wondering if any others have a modification to this or a similar model that worked for them. My issue is fatigue and balance. I’m experimenting with using a Doug Yo hand position too. That switch would involve cutting the trigger tip 3/4 of an inch to start, but I’m not yet committing to that hand position.

Do you have a mod to the D trigger using a traditional grip or Doug Yo hand position that worked for you
Or did you add a grip or brace that solved your issue?

Here the current set up.
Here’s me with traditional hand position. Maybe a bit awkward as I take my own picture.
Here’s my hand in a Yo hand position. Hand in fairly neutral position so you can see the needed adjustment. I’ve tested with the paddle almost to the fulcrum and it could work if I cut the tip of the trigger. But would be a short throw so lack of leverage.
I am open to your thoughts and maybe a pic of your mod or grip on this or similar model.
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Re: Getzen 1062 Bass Trombone D Trigger Mod Question

Post by BrassedOn »

Sorry a couple images dropped, Same 1062 question above.

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Re: Getzen 1062 Bass Trombone D Trigger Mod Question

Post by Matt K »

I had a 1052 and yeah, the grip is honestly rather awkward. I think its the relative lengths of the slide to the bell. The parts are basically the same as the Edwards other than that so the distance that might be optimal for those parts is then undercut because of the shorter (I think?) distance. Edwards horns are much more comfortable to me. I also have the same issue with the 3062s when I try them. I normally suggest a Neotech, which I even use for alto, but I had problems with the Neotech on mine. Wasn't nearly as effective as it was on any other horn I tried.

I butchered mine for parts, so unfortunately I can't recommend anything that would be a minor fix ;) However, if I were to have continued to have that setup, I'd probably have at least gotten an ax handle or similar. I know others like things like the Sheridan get-a-grip (and my self the neotech) but in this case, I don't know if they would have worked because the distance to the F attachment thumb paddle is different than on most basses that I've tried. You may also be able to use a Neotech in conjunction with the ax handle on this horn... I don't think they'd interfere but can't say for sure.

Another modification I was considering was adding a ring to where the leadpipe is. (Hopefully not too close to prevent the leadpipe from being removed). Again, the problem that I experienced was the proportion was that everything was too close because the distances were shorter due to the receivers, even with my relatively small hands. It looks like you have a similar issue with yours and I believe that either that or a 3rd trumpet valve hook would let you wrap your index finger around something and provide a little extra stability or at least somewhere for your finger to be.

Hopefully that helps and I'd be interested in hearing what works for you ultimately since I know several others who have had this issue with the 1052/1062 horns.
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Re: Getzen 1062 Bass Trombone D Trigger Mod Question

Post by peteedwards »

I'd try a neotech grip. I love mine, it really eases tension in the hand & wrist caused by trying to hold the horn up with the same fingers used to operate the valves. All the weight is transferred to the back of the hand just above the wrist. Can be used with normal hand position or the Yeo grip. Plus at ~$25 its a low-risk investment.
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