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Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:45 am
by Davidus1
Does anyone on this board own a YSL-897Z? There isn't a lot written about it here. I've not had the opportunity to play one. What are your thoughts on this horn? How is the blow? There are some good deals on eBay for them currently.
Re: YSL-897Z
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 12:56 pm
by Davidus1
No replies yet. I recently saw Pancho Sanchez's jazz group in St. Louis and his bone player was playing this horn I believe. Sounded great!
Re: YSL-897Z
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 2:33 pm
by brtnats
I haven’t played the 897Z, but I really would like to. I’ve got an 891Z (the bigger .508/8 inch bell), and it’s more than I ever could have guessed in a small bore horn. The only time I fish out the large bore tenor now is when I’ve got a part that goes into the stratosphere and the basement. Otherwise, I’m playing my Z for everything tenor and my Xeno bass for everything bass. I’m betting everything I like about the 891 is applicable to the 897. It plays bigger and better than the size suggests, and it’s a blank canvas to do what I want do to.
Re: YSL-897Z
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 2:42 pm
by MalecHeermans
The 891Z is a great instrument. As said above I'm sure that carries over to it's smaller sibling.
Re: YSL-897Z
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 2:53 pm
by Davidus1
Thanks for the post! I've only heard great things about the 891z so it would stand to figure the 897 is a great horn also. Glad you are happy with your 891!
Re: YSL-897Z
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 6:47 pm
by Mikebmiller
A friend of mine has one for sale. He was asking $1,200. I know he hasn't played it that much. I can put you in touch if you want.
Re: YSL-897Z
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 8:05 pm
by Davidus1
Thanks. I'm more curious right now than anything. I purchased a .525 horn and am considering a small bore but not really sure what I want just yet. I appreciate the offer though!