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XO Brass 1242L

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 8:40 pm
by MTbassbone
Anyone have any experience with the XO Brass 1242L? Is it a lighter bass trombone? Is it balanced? Build quality?

Re: XO Brass 1242L

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 8:59 pm
by Neo Bri
I can definitively answer none of this. What I do know is that GENERALLY Jupiter's build quality and reputation has improved by leaps and bounds in the past several years, so I would expect the build quality to at least be reasonable. I'll be interested in the progression of this topic.

Re: XO Brass 1242L

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 10:33 am
by Tooloud
It's my main instrument: XO 1242 RL.
Copy of Conn 62 H - but technically very much improved. Flawless!
Absolutely perfect build qualitiy.

But: Heavy like a tank!! No weight difference to double-Thayers!
Meanwhile I use both a thumbrest and a K&H handrest, so I can manipulate the slide without any need of holding the instrument up with the right hand. Doesn't look too nice, but has improved the playability considerably.

So: To your first question: Definitely no! Neither light nor well balanced. But there are means to get by.

I chose this instrument after looking for a decent dependent bass trombone for more than a year. Didn't primarily consider the cost, but tried a couple of bass trombone very open mindedly - except Bach 50: Been there, done that - never again! I've had too much trouble with mine for a thing, I want to make music on...

When trying out an other instrument at a music store I fell into the XO by mere incidence: But the sound I instantly could produce on it made it clear to me, that it was going to stay.

Tried a few Thayer-valve-trombones, but couldn't find any dependent ones in stock anywhere. Since I like a bit of resistance - I double (not professionally, only in amateur-ensembles) on French horn! - in the valve register, those could not convince me - and, by the way, I think they are going out of fashion, from what I see. Maybe they are a90's thing - or american, maybe...?

So: the XO's enlarged rotary valves are perfect for me. The sound does not change when going in or out of the valve, they blow freely with just the perfect amount of resistance to support tone production (That's why the Alexander 103 French horn is so beloved all over Europe: Its resistance helps the embouchure and the endurance, when you've learned to use it, much better than zero-resistance horns, that tend to get blatty, when the player get's tired!), but open enough to really sound like a bass trombone. No one would take it for a horn in any register.
The sound is very full and supportive. The mass seems to contribute to this. It is typical american-type instrument with a tendency to a 'dominant' sound, if you are not careful. With the XO i have yet to be asked to play louder...
(Rehearsal quote: "I need much more from the trombones! Oh- not from the the bass, please! You're ok...)

BUT: You must learn to live with the despise of those older"experienced and very serious brass players", who consider any instrument without Bach-badge mere crap. Just play better than those guys! :pant:

Re: XO Brass 1242L

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:25 am
by kkrehn397
I just purchased a Jupiter XO 1242L. What mouthpiece would you recommend?

Re: XO Brass 1242L

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:02 am
by BGuttman
kkrehn397 wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:25 am I just purchased a Jupiter XO 1242L. What mouthpiece would you recommend?
Did it come with something? I'd start with that.

If it didn't come with something, I'd start with a 1 1/2G size mouthpiece. Good size for bass. Some other mouthpieces of similar size:

Schilke or Yamaha 58
Marcinkiewicz 1 1/2G or Model 3

Another popular bass size is the Wick 2NAL.

If the 1 1/2G size feels too big, you could go to a 2G.
If you want to go bigger, try a 1 1/4 G or a Schilke 59.

Re: XO Brass 1242L

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 12:39 pm
by WGWTR180
Bought one as a backup horn. SO FREAKIN’ HEAVY that I sold it 2 months later.

Re: XO Brass 1242L

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:04 pm
by kkrehn397
Thank you for your responses. It is coming next week with a 5C. Not sure if this is the same as the JBM 15L.

Re: XO Brass 1242L

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:08 pm
by kkrehn397
FYI, I have no idea what a 5C relates to. I am so confused by all the choices and nomenclature these days. In the day (early 70s) I had mouthpiece similar to the Marcinkiewicz design for my tenor tromones. Thanks for the response and any additional info. I really appreciate this website and all of your insights. Nothing sounds like a Trombone!

Re: XO Brass 1242L

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 3:48 pm
by BGuttman
kkrehn397 wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:04 pm Thank you for your responses. It is coming next week with a 5C. Not sure if this is the same as the JBM 15L.
A Bach 5C is a small shank mouthpiece and probably won't fit. In fact, most "5" sized mouthpieces are rather small for a bass trombone.

Just to calibrate: A Bach 5G has a rim Inside Diameter of 1.01" (about 25.7 mm).
A Bach 1 1/2 G has a rim inside diameter of 1.08" (about 27.4 mm).

Re: XO Brass 1242L

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 9:31 pm
by CalgaryTbone
BGuttman wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 3:48 pm
kkrehn397 wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:04 pm Thank you for your responses. It is coming next week with a 5C. Not sure if this is the same as the JBM 15L.
A Bach 5C is a small shank mouthpiece and probably won't fit. In fact, most "5" sized mouthpieces are rather small for a bass trombone.

Just to calibrate: A Bach 5G has a rim Inside Diameter of 1.01" (about 25.7 mm).
A Bach 1 1/2 G has a rim inside diameter of 1.08" (about 27.4 mm).
Those are Bach sizes - not necessarily anywhere near what those numbers refer to in XO sizes. It could be a reasonable choice that is similar to a Bach 1.5G. A lot of manufacturers size their mouthpieces very differently from Bach, even if they use the same numbers.


Re: XO Brass 1242L

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 12:20 am
by BGuttman
Jupiter's bass mouthpiece is the 15L. Maybe the 5C is actually a Schilke 55, which would be a "tweener" like a Bach 3G, but we won't know until the horn is received.