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FS-Mouthpieces. Small,Large,DE

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 6:34 pm
by ttf_anonymous
I got a bunch of mouthpieces for sale, some in good condition and some are pretty worn. Pm for prices or feel free to comment and ask for more specific pictures. Would be willing to put discounts and such if buying multiple pieces. I’ll be naming off exactly what’s on the mouthpiece/parts:

Doug Elliot-
LT 97(silver) , 99(x3) (worn gold), [s]99 (plastic)[/s]

D8K(for a 88h) (x2)

Small shank-
G&W Harry Watters
Vincent Bach Corp. New York 7
Reynolds 9AB
Yamaha 45-C2-12C
Olds 12C
Vincent Bach 12C Worn Gold
Yamaha 48
Jupiter 12C
Unbranded 6 1/2 Worn Gold

Large Shank-
Wick 4AL
Schilke 51D
Vincent Bach Corp 6 1/2 A (x2)
Holton 181
Conn 5GR
King 4G (x2)
[s]Holton 1 1/2 G
Schilke 58[/s]

Tuba- Unbranded 24AW

Would be willing to trade some things for any of the following-
LB 112N
Either a XT C+ Cup and D2s setup, or a XT C Cup and C2s Setup, or just a D2s
A Wedge DE Rim that is a XL and around the 104 range

FS-Mouthpieces. Small,Large,DE

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:48 pm
by ttf_Philip Devine
PM sent

FS-Mouthpieces. Small,Large,DE

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 10:25 am
by ttf_quiethorn
Hi. Do you still have these for sale? I'm interested in the Wick 4AL and the Schilke 51D. Please PM or email me about them if they're still available... pics, condition, prices, etc.

FS-Mouthpieces. Small,Large,DE

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 7:09 pm
by ttf_Trombone slim
Pm sent

FS-Mouthpieces. Small,Large,DE

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:42 pm
by ttf_Cush
PM sent re: small DE rims.