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Bach Artisan Mouthpieces

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:46 pm
by Ostiax
What's the deal with Bach's "Artisan" line of mouthpieces?

No, really.

I remember when they were first released, and they seemed pretty interesting. I never tried one for myself, but they certainly caught my eye. And now, 10 years later, they seem to have made little splash in the trombone community. Meanwhile, there's a ten-page topic on trumpetherald spanning 10 years about the mouthpieces, but nothing at all here. What gives?

I'm curious as to people's thoughts on them. Have you played on one? If so, what was your experience like? Did you like it, or hate it? Why do you think they don't seem to have moved many trombone players, if that's the case?

Re: Bach Artisan Mouthpieces

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 7:22 pm
by norbie2018
The size selection is very limited for this mouthpiece range, which could be the reason they are not more popular.

Re: Bach Artisan Mouthpieces

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:40 am
by Savio
I have an artisan 1 1/2g. Nice sound! It has a rather sharp or thin rim, for me it's OK but I know it can be a problem for others. Don't know about the other sizes. It doesn't seems to be a big hit among trombonist around? But I like it. A little more centered sound than my Mt Vernon. But not so much colour and shape. Hard to explain, but it's definitely not bad. Has a little more mass and shape than the regular Bach.


Re: Bach Artisan Mouthpieces

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 10:36 am
by GabrielRice
I had an Artisan 1G for a bit. It was good - certainly easier to control than a standard 1G. At the time I was playing a Laskey 93D, which was enough bigger that I didn't do more than play-test the 1G for curiosity and pass it along.

Re: Bach Artisan Mouthpieces

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 11:02 am
by Crazy4Tbone86
It was always the .319 throat on the standard Bach 1G that ruined that mouthpiece for me. I have been wondering if the throat on the Bach Artisan 1G is smaller.

Never understood the throat sizes of the standard Bach bass trombone mouthpieces. They jump from .276 to .319. There is .044 of medium ground in-between those sizes that works much better for the majority of players.....myself included!