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Dad's King 606
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 6:14 am
by CornishSteve
Hello, newbie here, be gentle with me...
I've recently inherited my late Father's slide trombone. I want to add it to the household insurance along with my other musical instruments. I know it's a King 606, and I know that there were different varieties, the Student and the Diplomat at least.
How can I tell which variety of 606 it is in order to get an accurate valuation?
I have the serial number if that helps. It's 988285. Pretty sure its from the late 1980's.
Hope someone can advise me, or at least tell me where to look.
Thanks, Steve.
Re: Dad's King 606
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 7:21 am
by BGuttman
All King 606s were considered student instruments.
The question is, what condition is it in. Pristine? Lots of dents? Lacquer kinda gone? All will affect value.
A good working 606 in not beautiful condition would sell for around $150-200. A pristine one $750-1000. If you can find a friendly music store, they could give you an appraised value (basically what they would sell it for) and that would be the value for your insurance. As for the fact that it's your Dad's horn, there is no way to put a cash value on that.
Re: Dad's King 606
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 9:19 am
by CornishSteve
Thanks for your reply.
I understand that 606's are considered good learner's instruments.
My concern is that the different grades of 606 sell for vastly different sums. I've seen ones identified as a 606 Student selling new for £250 - £300, whilst new 606 Diplomat models go for £1100 - £1400. Used prices reflect the same sort of difference, ie Diplomats up to 4 times the price of the Student variety, so it's important that I know which type I have. hence my question about how to tell the difference.
Condition wise, I'd say it's good to very good, there is one tiny dent on the inside of the curved section next to the supporting brace thing. Lacquer seems good as well, still shiny. It's been kept in the original case (also in good condition) while not being used. I'm sure that helps as it does with my guitars!
Re: Dad's King 606
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 2:37 pm
by walldaja
You can also look on or ebay and see what the market is supporting.
Re: Dad's King 606
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 10:49 pm
by Posaunus
For insurance purposes, I'd list it as no more than £500; less if it's older or worn-looking.
Used trombones are seldom worth anything close to the new price.
Good luck.