My recent trombone journey. Nothing special, but special to me.

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My recent trombone journey. Nothing special, but special to me.

Post by true2bsu »

I guess I need to make a post or two to get my wings here. If you don't read my story, no worries. Hopefully it's worth reading.
My story has no ending yet but here is where I'm at. About 4 years ago my daughter, a high school violinist in a local youth symphony, convinced me to pick up my trombone again because their lone trombonist graduated HS and left a void. 34 years ago I was good in high school, but not great. I did make state honor band on my lowly Olds Ambassador my senior year. But I digress. Playing trombone with these kids filled a hole in my sole that I didn't know existed. I found a really good deal on a Conn 88H on Facebook and joined the local community college jazz and concert band. I got to know and sit next to another recently coaxed-out-of-retirement trombonist and we've become dear friends. I'm 56 and he is early 70's. A few months ago he told me that when he's done playing trombone he wants me to have his beautiful, immaculate even, 1960's King 3B Silversonic that he's had since high school. I'm a little overwhelmed! I can't wait to play his horn, but I can't bear the idea of not getting to hang out with him every week at band rehearsals. What an amazing friend!
Now another side story... at this community college we were looking at what trombones they have available for students to use. One of our trumpet players was wanting to learn some trombone. We found a very tarnished early 1950's King 2B Silversonic in substantially decent condition in its original but very beat up case. I've got to figure out how to talk the school leadership into letting me swap this old trombone for a couple of newer student trombones so that it doesn't get beat up by a freshman that doesn't know what they've got in their hands. 8-)
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Re: My recent trombone journey. Nothing special, but special to me.

Post by Kingfan »

Welcome back to the brotherhood of the 'bones. Great stories! I've made great friends as an adult playing in various community ensembles. Yes, save that Silversonic!
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are still missing! :D
Greg Songer
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Re: My recent trombone journey. Nothing special, but special to me.

Post by nycowboy04 »

I'm in my 40s and hadn't picked up a horn since I moved for college (and certainly not since moving to NY for the rest of my forseeable future). My better half indulged me on my 40th birthday to purchase a horn, purely for my own pleasure. The NYC collegiate programs all have students that could dance circles around an old dog like me, so I don't even try, and the school I work at has a music program that is dying a slow death (I have fantasies of trying to do some sort of Drum Corps-style group, but I know it will never happen for a variety of reasons), but I'm happy to just sit in my small Bronx apartment, playing etudes that I played in HS for TMEA all-state competitions and whatnot a million years ago.
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Re: My recent trombone journey. Nothing special, but special to me.

Post by AndrewMeronek »

I've actually picked up paying gigs by being involved in local community ensembles. Networking!!
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Re: My recent trombone journey. Nothing special, but special to me.

Post by rudytbone »

I've played in many community groups in the Philly and Houston areas, but what I really enjoyed was playing for community theater. Usually great music, especially in Overtures and Curtain calls (save Rogers and Hammerstein shows - they write for trombone as if it's a loud cello) and a fairly intense environment with nightly rehearsals the week of the opening.
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Re: My recent trombone journey. Nothing special, but special to me.

Post by true2bsu »

There are so many great reasons to get back into playing. Thanks for sharing yours!!
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