Reynolds questions

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Reynolds questions

Post by stewbones43 »

I have just taken delivery of a Reynolds Medalist straight tenor trombone and by checking on the excellent "Contempora Corner" website it seems to date from late 1969/early 1970, serial number 2518** and no mention of "Made in USA" but it does say "F A Reynolds Abilene Texas, so it confirms that it was pre-Fullerton.
It is generally good condition for a 54 year old instrument, with some superficial dents and some wear on the stockings. It looks as though it hasn't been used for a while so I will work on the slide to see how it behaves.
There is one problem which I hope someone can solve for me and that concerns the mouthpiece receiver. I have tried assorted small shank mouthpieces including a Reynolds 12C but they all rock a little when inserted until they tighten up with a final firm twist. The also only go in about 5/8ths inch/16mm. Should it have a standard receiver or is this an odd, special size?

Any help would be appreciated.

PS I am very happy with the trombone. Ebay has been kind to me. The case is worth more than the £65/$82 I paid for the whole outfit! :wink:


Conn 36H(Pitched in D/A)
Reynolds Medalist
B&H Sessionair
Besson 10-10
Conn 74H
Yamaha YSL-641 with Yamaha Custom Slide
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Re: Reynolds questions

Post by OneTon »

Doug Bert sold a 0.525 bore Reynolds fairly recently that he advertised as best played with the supplied Reynolds mouthpiece. Someone has probably used a mouthpiece in it that didn’t fit the receiver. A more experienced technician can most probably get the receiver to accept the mouthpiece that you use with a net fit.
Richard Smith
Wichita, Kansas
Posts: 262
Joined: Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:11 am
Location: Somerset, UK

Re: Reynolds questions

Post by stewbones43 »

The "mouthpiece" that came with the Medalist is a plastic thing from a Pbone type of TSO, not even suitable as a paper weight, it is so light it would blow away.
The Reynolds 12C is one that has been sitting on my shelf for a long time but I don't know what it originally came with or when.
I am hoping that the resident Reynolds and Olds experts might have some bit of information lurking in their subconscious that will tell me just what I need to look for.
The other hope is that perhaps Doug Elliott might chime in with the information that he has the exact shank sitting on his shelf.
It can be very exciting being an optimist!


Conn 36H(Pitched in D/A)
Reynolds Medalist
B&H Sessionair
Besson 10-10
Conn 74H
Yamaha YSL-641 with Yamaha Custom Slide
Conn 88H Gen II with Conn SL4747 Slide
Besson Academy 409
Rath/Holton/Benge Bb/F/G or Gb/Eb or D Independent Bass
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