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King 6b Duo Gravis regular vs. Silversonic

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 4:31 am
by TheConnsequence
What kind of differences are there between the Duo Gravis with the Brass Bell and the Sterling Silver Bell?

Re: King 6b Duo Gravis regular vs. Silversonic

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 8:48 am
by Mertelstein
I'm lucky enough to have owned both in my time. No doubt I'll cause some people to be annoyed with me, but I preferred the regular [ducks for cover]. Lighter (weight wise) and (I felt) blended better. Silversonic was absolutely terrific if you needed to play solo or stand out (my Dad used it when he led his big band), but I would never take it out for anything other than jazz. The brass bell one I used in pit bands, and even amateur orchestras.

Re: King 6b Duo Gravis regular vs. Silversonic

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:43 am
by Burgerbob
I've played both. The brass one is more versatile.

The only Silversonic I've played was actually very orchestral- I know they're not all like that, but it was a huge, broad sound. It was very cool but ultimately even a bit more useless that way!