Help Finding a Specific Transcription of Russian Easter Festival Overture
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:54 pm
Maybe this isn't the best place to ask, since this is a "trombone" forum, but you guys are a wealth of information, and there is a specific 'trombone' connection.
I am looking for an transcription of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's Russian Easter Festival Overture for wind ensemble that I played back in the 90s. It seems rather unique because of the key that it was in. I can tell because of two parts: from rehearsal "B" and from the trombone solo. For those interested, here is a link to a site with the relevant orchestral excerpts.
Rehearsal "B":
The trombone part starts on middle C in the orchestral version and nearly all other transcriptions I have found with a range going up to E and down to A, and is in the key of F. In the one I played, it starts on Bb with a range going up to D and down to G (and I assume it is in the key of Eb by transposition?? - I have never taken a music theory class or studied it, and I'm terrible about transpositions, just feeding the awful stereotype of trombonists being limited musically, I know).
The solo:
At this point in the piece, most arrangements/transcriptions that I have found recordings of are in the same key as the orchestral version (G). In those, she solo starts on middle C and uses pitches A,B,C,D and ends on middle C. However, the version I recall playing starts on Bb and uses pitches G,A,Bb,C and ends on Bb (and thus I believe is in the key of F by transposition). I have a recording of it (on a very old tape, I admit), I do not recall it ending on C, and my tuners agree with me (holding them up to my speakers).
Does anyone know this transcription? Or perhaps know somewhere that could better ask folks here are unaware of it?
Maybe I'm just crazy, have a bad memory (it was 25+ years ago), and my tape is so degraded that it's off by a whole step.
Thanks in advance!
I am looking for an transcription of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's Russian Easter Festival Overture for wind ensemble that I played back in the 90s. It seems rather unique because of the key that it was in. I can tell because of two parts: from rehearsal "B" and from the trombone solo. For those interested, here is a link to a site with the relevant orchestral excerpts.
Rehearsal "B":
The trombone part starts on middle C in the orchestral version and nearly all other transcriptions I have found with a range going up to E and down to A, and is in the key of F. In the one I played, it starts on Bb with a range going up to D and down to G (and I assume it is in the key of Eb by transposition?? - I have never taken a music theory class or studied it, and I'm terrible about transpositions, just feeding the awful stereotype of trombonists being limited musically, I know).
The solo:
At this point in the piece, most arrangements/transcriptions that I have found recordings of are in the same key as the orchestral version (G). In those, she solo starts on middle C and uses pitches A,B,C,D and ends on middle C. However, the version I recall playing starts on Bb and uses pitches G,A,Bb,C and ends on Bb (and thus I believe is in the key of F by transposition). I have a recording of it (on a very old tape, I admit), I do not recall it ending on C, and my tuners agree with me (holding them up to my speakers).
Does anyone know this transcription? Or perhaps know somewhere that could better ask folks here are unaware of it?
Maybe I'm just crazy, have a bad memory (it was 25+ years ago), and my tape is so degraded that it's off by a whole step.
Thanks in advance!