A visit to the LMS

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A visit to the LMS

Post by Bach5G »

I had time on my hands yesterday and stopped by the LMS (L&M, Terminal Ave) to return a mpc I bought on the weekend. 30 day return policy. Even on mpcs.

No reasonably priced practice mutes. Just a Best Brass and a Wick, each about $150 (CDN). A nice RAT stand. Incredibly light. Do I need another stand? Or just a better memory?

A very nice selection of trombones. The ubiquitous Yam354. But also a Getzen 1047, what looked like a Bach 42, a Bach Artisan 42, a nice Getzen 1052 bass, an 88H, a Jupiter Fedchock, and a couple of 3Bs. A bit of sticker shock. $5000 doesn’t go very far these days. But then got to thinking, if I could get x for my current horn…

Decent selection of print music. A piece I might have paid $3 for when I was a student now costs $25. Frankly, that seems like a bargain. Should have grabbed the David but there were two or three publishers, I couldn’t make up my mind, and then I got distracted.

I went downstairs to look at guitars incl a used Epiphone L-5 copy that was made in Indonesia. Pretty nice and only $799. Got to thinking if I sold my expensive guitars I could afford a new trombone (or 2!). Madness.

I left with my refund and my gift card still in my pocket. I might take my bass in next week for some TLC. And have another look at that Fedchock.
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