Courtois 501R Bb/F Bass Trombone
Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 9:55 am
Recently bought a 25 yr old single plug Bb/F Courtois 501R bass trombone in great condition. Got in touch with Courtois/Buffet Crampon and the serial number confirms manufacture in the Amboise factory in September 1998. This instrument was never ‘pushed’ apparently and was not a big seller for whatever reason I’m told. I’m new to trombones from BBb tuba and think it plays great. It’s in great nick and had it serviced by an instrument technician. It’s open wrap and only cost £400.
Has anyone any experience of this particular model. How
would it rate against a Yamaha YBL421GE bass of similar age?
Any comments appreciated
Has anyone any experience of this particular model. How
would it rate against a Yamaha YBL421GE bass of similar age?
Any comments appreciated