Conn 88h

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Conn 88h

Post by noahpasbury »

I am looking for a Conn 88h and I also would like it to have a spring barrel. Do any of you know when they stopped making spring barrels in the Conn 88h?
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Re: Conn 88h

Post by BGuttman »

A lot of folks had the springs removed from their cork barrels. I had springs installed on my Yamaha 682.
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Re: Conn 88h

Post by ithinknot »

The barrels are the same... you can pull out cork/rubber/felt and install springs as you see fit
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Re: Conn 88h

Post by Posaunus »

ithinknot wrote: Mon Sep 04, 2023 5:26 am The barrels are the same... you can pull out cork/rubber/felt and install springs as you see fit
Not always so straightforward. I love slide bumpers! John Sandhagen installed springs in a non-sprung 88H slide I had acquired, but since the springs were longer than the original bumpers (even when compressed), he had to relocate the slide lock "ramp" (I don't remember its proper name) so the slide locking ring "pawl" could engage. It took John about 2 minutes to re-solder the ramp about 3/8" farther down the slide. He did this without a moment's pause. Thanks John.

(Does anyone know the names of these slide lock parts?)
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Re: Conn 88h

Post by Garoissimo »

I actually got rid of my slide stop springs when I had my horn torn down to parts and rebuilt to original Elkhart specs in 2000 by Dick Akright of A&G Music/Best Repair in Oakland, CA. (It had been modified to a non-standard config years prior after being nearly destroyed in a wreck)

Anyway, removing the springs allowed me to tune the horn differently, from 1st to 7th, and I feel like I use more the entire length of the slide now. It also allows me to focus on a more acute and accurate tuning of the 1st position partials, which on an Elkhart era 88H are all just a bit different. There is no real single 1st position, not like a nice Bach 42. lol The Elkhart 88H is special and a bit crazy, as at 1st position each partial has it's own place, slightly off. In fact nearly all positions are like this, on this horn. Although, some here may debate the usefulness or accuracy of this contention regarding the removal of the spring helping with this aspect.

Anyway - I like no spring. A lot. But, whatever makes it work well for you is the way to go!

As for the Akright rebuild, it turned out incredible. Once I qualify I can share images of the fully restored horn when I got it back in 2000. I read once that Dick did at least one custom rebuild for Doc Severenson over the decades of their friendship, and seeing what he did with my horn, I can see why.

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Re: Conn 88h

Post by hyperbolica »

A teacher ripped my springs out on my first lesson with him. The constant clicking sound drove him crazy. I wrapped an old string in there to cushion the slide until I could get something more permanent. I've probably still got my old springs if you want them.

I do something strange to judge distances at 1st position. I hold my pinkie to the brace, because I rarely jam the slide all the way up for 1st pos. Bb is out about 1/2". D is in tight, and high F is out about an inch or more.
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Re: Conn 88h

Post by Garoissimo »

For me with no spring I think low- F with trigger is in all the way to the metal. But, it may be the only note in 1st that is... then as mentioned every partial has it's own unique micro-position. But, I find that at least 1/2 the other notes on the instrument (or most?) are this way regardless of what position or partial.
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Re: Conn 88h

Post by Garoissimo »

And... I am qualified to say this, why? Well, because... I actually played nearly perfectly in-tune once, eh... for 18 minutes. There is a recording! :) lol Yeah...55 years on the horn. -> 20 minutes. :) You do the math.
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Re: Conn 88h

Post by Garoissimo »

Depending on how much you are looking to spend, there are a couple of incredible 88H's now on Brass Ark - check these listings: (browse down the page for the listings...)

* Vintage L Series Conn Elkhart 88H Trombone

* Conn Elkhart 88H Larry Minick (w/option of dual bore .547/.562 or straight .547 slide)
Frankly, I would buy either or both of these horns right now if I could. Probably the Minick with the straight .547 slide, since it could also double as straight 8H.
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Re: Conn 88h

Post by JamesByrn »

noahpasbury wrote: Sun Sep 03, 2023 9:48 pm I am looking for a Conn 88h and I also would like it to have a spring barrel. Do any of you know when they stopped making spring barrels in the Conn 88h?
I have an Elkhart 88H with slide springs that a I am selling. Let me know if you are interested.
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