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New Bass Trombone or an used Bach, King Duo Gravis....
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 6:46 am
by simonm2903
dear trombonist
I need some advice
I have found for my budget cca 4000 EUR a new from the shop with guarantee a Shire Q series
Now i am thinking, is better to buy a new instrument- like Shires or a 30+ years Bach 50 independand valves , King Duo Gravis or some Conn - a bit lesser then 4000 €.
What would you do plz ?
thank You
Re: New Bass Trombone or an used Bach, King Duo Gravis....
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:08 am
by tbonesullivan
This would all depend on the condition of the used instruments, and how well they work with your playing style. The Shires Q series are definitely solid horns.
Re: New Bass Trombone or an used Bach, King Duo Gravis....
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:13 am
by simonm2903
The bigest problem is that i cannot try them , because i live in Croatia and all i have found is in Germany

Re: New Bass Trombone or an used Bach, King Duo Gravis....
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:19 am
by WGWTR180
simonm2903 wrote: ↑Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:13 am
The bigest problem is that i cannot try them , because i live in Croatia and all i have found is in Germany
Well if I were you I'd just buy the Shires Q. Solid enough and you could do far worse with a used instrument.
Re: New Bass Trombone or an used Bach, King Duo Gravis....
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:31 am
by simonm2903
Re: New Bass Trombone or an used Bach, King Duo Gravis....
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:56 am
by WGWTR180
Re: New Bass Trombone or an used Bach, King Duo Gravis....
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:07 am
by simonm2903
Nice said i mean, ive put the false emoji
Re: New Bass Trombone or an used Bach, King Duo Gravis....
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:09 am
by simonm2903
For used i meant Bach stradivarius 50 , yamaha 830..... the professional ones
Or is enough a new Q series Shires
Any help is welcome
Re: New Bass Trombone or an used Bach, King Duo Gravis....
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:41 am
by JohnL
In a situation where you are unable to try the instrument in advance, I'd recommend going with a new Q series (assuming the dealer has a good reputation). They're well made instruments that are pretty much "middle of the road" as far as their sound and playing characteristics.
Re: New Bass Trombone or an used Bach, King Duo Gravis....
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:52 am
by tbonesullivan
simonm2903 wrote: ↑Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:09 am
For used i meant Bach stradivarius 50 , yamaha 830..... the professional ones
Or is enough a new Q series Shires
Any help is welcome
Yamaha made several other professional horns before the YBL-830, mainly several models of the YBL-613, which are all pretty good. Conn also makes some fairly good independent horns which you may find used. It all depends on what is out there.
Re: New Bass Trombone or an used Bach, King Duo Gravis....
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 11:53 am
by BGuttman
The issue with used instruments is that they can have problems of condition. One Bach 50B3 may not be the same as another; the slide may need a lot of repairs, or the valves, or the bell. Just because it says "XYZ" on the bell doesn't mean it will be exactly the same as any other instrument that says "XYZ".
The Shires Q series are actually identical to the Custom instruments except they have fewer options. There is nothing about a Shires Q that is less than Professional (except maybe for the price).
Are you worried that you will be judged on how you play by what instrument is in your hands? You will sound like you on nearly any instrument. Cheap ones may just make it harder to play.
Re: New Bass Trombone or an used Bach, King Duo Gravis....
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 12:08 pm
by Elow
BGuttman wrote: ↑Wed Aug 30, 2023 11:53 am
The Shires Q series are actually identical to the Custom instruments except they have fewer options. There is nothing about a Shires Q that is less than Professional (except maybe for the price).
That is not entirely accurate. The Q series are good, but the quality is inferior to a custom. I have been around many and owned one for a while. The common issues that i’ve seen are faulty solder joints and terrible alignment, not just slides but the braces that are forced into place upon soldering. Nothing that isn’t able to be repaired, but there is a drop in quality from the custom series.
Re: New Bass Trombone or an used Bach, King Duo Gravis....
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:26 pm
by WGWTR180
simonm2903 wrote: ↑Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:07 am
Nice said i mean, ive put the false emoji

Re: New Bass Trombone or an used Bach, King Duo Gravis....
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 2:45 pm
by MrHCinDE
Since the OP mentioned Duo Gravis, perhaps it is also worth considering a used Yamaha or Holton dependent bass?
In good condition these are still available for around half the budget or less, and should hold the value pretty well in case the OP decided that independent is essential at a later date. It’s basically possible to buy one, work on getting a good bass trombone sound and air management and then sell for little or no net cost.
I would understand the advantage of getting an independent (only need to buy once, does everything a dependent can do and more) but personally I could not justify the additional cost so presently have a fantastic-playing Holton TR-180. So far I’ve not come across any parts (as a doubler) which would justify the additional investment of getting an equally well playing independent horn.
I think of it like this, a great dependent horn is easier to play for 95%+ of the passages played in any gig/concert than an average independent horn. The last few % are also playable on dependent, just need a bit more effort.
Re: New Bass Trombone or an used Bach, King Duo Gravis....
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 2:52 pm
by MrHCinDE
If the OP is set on independent and the budget would stretch a little, this might be worth a look: ... media=COPY
Seems like a lot of (new) horn for the price. I have no connection with the seller, other than I once bought a Ukulele and maybe a music stand from them.