Shires , TBQ36YR or TBQ36GR ?

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Shires , TBQ36YR or TBQ36GR ?

Post by simonm2903 »

Can someone please can tell me the difference between TBQ36YR or TBQ36GR ? the price is almost the same but what is the difference and what would be better
Kind regards
Thank you
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Matt K
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Re: Shires , TBQ36YR or TBQ36GR ?

Post by Matt K »

Y = Yellow brass bell, G = Gold brass bell
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Re: Shires , TBQ36YR or TBQ36GR ?

Post by Chronos91 »

Additionally, neither is really better than the other. Bell material is a preference type of thing; one isn't better than the other. The link below is what the Shires site has on bell material differences. That said, I don't find the description super helpful by itself and I haven't done a back and forth comparison of the same horn but just different bells before. I'd just try out both options to discern how you like each and make a decision like that if you can.
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Re: Shires , TBQ36YR or TBQ36GR ?

Post by simonm2903 »

thx You all
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