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Which Bass Trombone would you buy?
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 10:15 am
by YooperHorn
Facts: I am a 63 y.o. Bass Trombonist that plays in a couple of Community Bands, a community orchestra and a Big Band. I'm a hobbyist not a professional. I have a Getzen 1062FD (dependent trigger) and i like it but I'd like to have an independent trigger and I"m not wild about the dual bore slide that comes with the 1062.
Consideration: My lungs are still really good, but not what they were (in terms of air capacity) when I was 20. So I think I'd rather stay with standard rotors and I don't think I can justify an 8k "boutique" horn given my age and years of playing left. So, given's what I'm looking at:
Rath R900 $3200 (new)
Shires TBQ36YR $3200 (used but mint)
Getzen 1052 ($2400 used in good conditon/ $3300 mint used)
Bach 50B30 ($2900 open box)
So given my criteria, which horn would you pick and why? Thanks so much for any comments you have.
Re: Which Bass Trombone would you buy?
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 10:41 am
by Burgerbob
Out of those, probably the Shires Q (or if you can find it for cheaper, Eastman equivalent is very good).
Re: Which Bass Trombone would you buy?
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 11:56 am
by Matt K
I really like the 1052s, personally. I had one and probably would if I hadn't lucked into a great Shires. Especially at that price point. The Q series would be great too probably.
Re: Which Bass Trombone would you buy?
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 12:16 pm
by hyperbolica
I'd probably look to get a new Conn 62h first. After that the Bach, and I'd see if I could try the 1052. Rath and Then Shires.
Conns are just more colorful, even now. Bachs have a familiar feel when they're right. Getzen make some really nice stuff. Shires to me are boring and heavy. Rath is one of my favorites, but the Chinese horn isn't what I like about Rath
i agree with your complaint about the 1062 dual bore. But don't discount dependent setups unless you're really going to use the second valve by itself (mostly 5th position notes).
Re: Which Bass Trombone would you buy?
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 12:20 pm
by Finetales
My opinion, having tried all of them and owned a 1052 for quite a few years: Shires Q > Eastman ETB-848 > Rath R900 > Getzen 1052 > Bach 50B3O.
Re: Which Bass Trombone would you buy?
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 6:52 pm
by sirisobhakya
I would go with the Shires.
Re: Which Bass Trombone would you buy?
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 7:53 pm
by Jameseuph642
Shires Q or the Eastman for the win.
Re: Which Bass Trombone would you buy?
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:06 pm
by dukesboneman
Depends on the sound and response you want. I love my Bach 50b3 but it took a while to adjust after coming from a Yamaha 321
But a Yamaha will speak quicker
The Conn 62H are great horns
Re: Which Bass Trombone would you buy?
Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 12:44 am
by Blabberbucket
If it were me, I would avoid a new Bach or Conn instrument. I've seen lots of build and fit/finish issues with their recent instruments. Your experience may vary.
I can't speak to the Rath as I'm not familiar with their instruments.
You'd do well by either the Q or the Getzen. Personal preference would be the Getzen - I played one for many years in college and after before switching to another instrument. They're fairly well built instruments and the price point is excellent.
Re: Which Bass Trombone would you buy?
Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 2:34 pm
by YooperHorn
Many thanks to all of you for the great comments and suggestions. It really helped. I ordered a Shires Q bass bone today. Now comes the Celebrity Death Match: Getzen 1062 vs. Shires Q...may the best horn win.