The 36K by itself was ok and interesting enough, but not especially useful... so the decision was made to make it, and some more parts that were picked up over the years, into a big modular project.
Included are:
Corporation 42 bell
42G* bell (Friedman flare)
36 bell
K valve section
Hagmann valve section (originally from a Besson 944)
Straight neckpipe
3 reversed tuning slides, two in yellow brass and one in gold brass
Shires TB47 slide
Edwards TBCN slide
Bach 36 slide, large connector, wide Shires crook
I have honestly not had the time to mix and match to find the best possible setups, but I have a feeling the ones in the pictures are about as close as it gets.
I had a few people play the K valve section at ITF- Edwards TBCN slide, K valve, gold brass tuning slide, Corp 42 bell. Everyone that tried it loved it, and honestly I think it was one of the best large tenors at the show.
The Hagmann section is also great- with the Friedman bell it's just a bit lighter sound, more color.
I can't wait to dig into these in a few weeks... in any case, I am more excited about large tenor (probably my least favorite double) than I have been ever.
Huge credit to Benn for all the work in finding and putting together the parts- everything is beautiful and both valve sections have M neckpipes, even!