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Rath compatible components
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 5:26 am
by MrBadger
Asking for a friend…
Is there a Rath afficianado here that could advise how compatible/interchangeable the slides, goosenecks, tuning slides, and bells of the Rath R12, R10, and R2 are please??
Many thanks.
Re: Rath compatible components
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 7:10 am
by ithinknot
Talk to Tim, but...
Bells is bells, all the same fit
Three tuning slides: R12, R10 and a shared one for R1 and R2 - all fit on an R10 neckpipe, which if you think about it means they all fit on any neckpipe
Four neckpipes: R12/10/1/2 - I know R12 slides fit an R10 neckpipe so the tenon OD is shared at least for those two... don't know if the R1 and R2 differ.
Depends what ... your friend ... is hoping to achieve. Changing tapers isn't just a tweak. To me, material and leadpipe changes on these feel like "the same horn, adjusted" but changing the TS taper is closer to "different horn". Could be good or bad, but best done in person.