Rosetti Instruments

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Rosetti Instruments

Post by BarryWilson »

I'm a trumpet player looking to add a valve trombone to my arsenal of instruments. Does anyone know anything about or had any experience with Rosetti brass instruments. I'm looking at a Rosetti valve tromone on Ebay. I don't expect the quality of Bach, Yamaha, etc but I sure don't want to get stuck with something of the quality of one of those cheap Chinese or Indian instruments.
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Re: Rosetti Instruments

Post by BGuttman »

I had a set of Rosetti recorders (blockflutes). I'd hesitate to take them out in public (at least partly because I'm a lousy player). Not terribly good. These were made in Communist Eastern Europe. There are a couple of Chinese made instruments to consider. Mostly imported by shops that do the QC that the Chinese seem to ignore. Consider JP Rath or Wessex as examples.
Bruce Guttman
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Re: Rosetti Instruments

Post by greenbean »

I wouldn't waste my time. If you are a bit patient you could wait for a used King or Conn to turn up. Or a new Wessex.
Tom in San Francisco
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