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Shires Small Bore Trombones
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 9:23 am
by BoneGuy23
Im a lead trombone in my highschool jazz and I'm looking into some of Shires small bore trombones. I have been using a Q30 for jazz, but im interested in seeing if it would be worth investing into something like the Marshall Gilkes or the custom series line, or even just a Q33? I was wondering if anyone had any particular opinion on these horns, or any suggestions as to what to look into?
Re: Shires Small Bore Trombones
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 9:40 am
by Trevorspaulding376
I did not like the q33 at all,
Other second hand pro horns like 6h, bach variants , etc are all good options if don’t want to spend a fortune.
If money is no object then yea the custom shires horns are great as are the new greenhoes but I wasn’t much a fan of the q33 if me I wouldn’t go that route , a used 3b or something else would be cheaper and better imo
Re: Shires Small Bore Trombones
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 10:20 am
by Burgerbob
+1 to cheap used 3B
Re: Shires Small Bore Trombones
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 11:40 am
by Vegasbound
The Mike Davis shires are very good
But again get a good used 3b and spend the rest of the dollars on a good teacher
Re: Shires Small Bore Trombones
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 11:51 am
by Finetales
I played both the Marshall Gilkes model and the Q33 at NAMM. They both played great! But not any better than my old 3B. Especially out of high school, you'll probably want to dip your toes in a good reliable used small bore and live with it for a while before spending big bucks on a Shires. And you might find you don't even want to!
Re: Shires Small Bore Trombones
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 4:07 pm
by Rusty
I play a MD+ .508. Better than any 3B I’ve played, but that’s not to say you can’t find a great 3B, it will be way cheaper too.
Play tested the Q33 again just the other day, it has a clear clean sound, but much preferred the MD+, or the Yamaha 891z.
Re: Shires Small Bore Trombones
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 5:24 pm
by harrisonreed
The MD+ is very, very good. The 881z is nearly as good. Some of my colleagues swear by that horn.
My 3BF silversonic is better. More character, and more fun. Though I'd prefer the Shires slide action. It's nearly time for an overhaul.
Re: Shires Small Bore Trombones
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 6:24 pm
by DCIsky
I second the 3BF route. Although I don't do a ton of small-horn playing these days, my 3BFSS is super versatile and a LOT of fun to play. Not to mention (at the risk of getting "booed" by the small-horn community), I've found the f-attachment to be super handy in doing solos/improv that use the whole range of the horn.
If you're after the "shiny newer horn with modern action" route, there have been a few excellent-condition Getzen Eterna or Custom small-bore horns popping up on Classifieds and marketplaces recently. Those have been going for shockingly low prices, and many people seem to love them!
Re: Shires Small Bore Trombones
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 7:11 pm
by harrisonreed
The F attachment is a huge deal for me on small bore. I play lead in our big band and I make full use of the F attachment on nearly every tune.
Plus, part of my way of connecting with whatever horn, alto/tenor/bass, during my warm up with it is to do lip slurs with the quart-valve. That range is great for connecting/reacquainting with your instrument, regardless of which instrument it is.
FWIW, as this is a Shires thread, I believe that they do that. You can have it all. I never tried a MD+ with an F attachment but I'm certain it would be absolutely dope. I've seen the gilkes model with a quart-valve but never tried one. Probably pretty costly.
Re: Shires Small Bore Trombones
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 7:40 pm
by dukesboneman
Since you`re in high school, save your cash and get a used Bach 12, 16 or 16M or a 2B+ 0r a 3B
Why do you have to have a Shires?
I`ve tried Shires horns over the years, The older ones, I thought ,played really well
The newer ones I have been disappointed in, except the The Marshall Gilkes, but was that horn $3000 better that my Bach 12. NO
Re: Shires Small Bore Trombones
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 8:50 pm
by Matt K
I agree about the utility of the F attachment. I use mine way more often in commercial settings than I do when I’m playing classical stuff on my large bore. I’ve thought about getting a G attachment but I constantly use my F. Especially when improvising.
Re: Shires Small Bore Trombones
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 11:49 pm
by Rusty
I think paying the price of a large bore tenor puts most people off shelling out for a small Shires with F attachment, although an MD+ with F would be amazing.
I’ve owned a good 3BFSS too and ended up selling it. It was just a little more effort to play and blend for my liking, so would always reach for the Shires, but there’s something special about the silversonic sound that’s hard to replicate.
Re: Shires Small Bore Trombones
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 9:45 am
by GGJazz
Hi all !
I totally agree with Dukesboneman' above statement .
Of course , nothing wrong if a High School' s student buys a new super-professional horn , but I do not see any reason to do it ...
Re: Shires Small Bore Trombones
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 10:49 am
by Briande
Agree: Used 3B.