Facial fatigue

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Facial fatigue

Post by knirirr »

This is a topic I had planned to ask at a lesson tomorrow, but my teacher is ill and lessons are postponed until after Easter.

Anyway, I have noticed recently that my lips and cheeks are particularly fatigued, sometimes to the effect of making it slightly difficult to speak. The corners of my mouth are particularly uncomfortable, one side more than the other. This is noticeable most of the day.

What's odd is that I've only been playing for about 30 minutes per day (all I can manage at present) for nearly 2 years, and haven't noticed such discomfort before the last 2-3 weeks. This includes the first few pages of Urbie Green's warm-up book to start.

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong. Can anyone suggest how I might investigate or deal with this?
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Re: Facial fatigue

Post by Vegasbound »

Have a lesson with Doug Elliott, he does them via Skype
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Doug Elliott
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Re: Facial fatigue

Post by Doug Elliott »

This week is pretty open
"I know a thing or two because I've seen a thing or two."
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