Pretty straightforward from title, I have an 882O that I am looking to sell and want to know what the actual differences between the "generations" are in specs and in practical terms.
882 - closed wrap (don't remember the slide width info)
882O - Open wrap narrow slide (the original Xeno in the States)
882OG - Open wrap wide slide (Bach like deside)
The trombonechat thread talks about the playing difference between them. As shared in that thread, I'm a fan of the 882 with the closed wrap.
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:33 am
by sirisobhakya
882O has only one generation.
882 and 882O (and the corresponding gold brass bell version 882G and 882GO) have narrow slide. 882OR (and GOR) has wide slide, reverse tuning slide on both main and F-side, and slightly wider F-side tube. It also has nickel-silver crook.
I play-tested the 882O and OR side by side once. The 882OR is much more free-blowing, with “hollower” sound.
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:47 am
by Matt K
Isn’t there, confusingly, an 8820 as well?
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 6:06 am
by MTbassbone
I have played the 882O and 882OR and bought a 882OR. The 882O plays smaller and tighter. The 882OR plays larger and more open than the 882O.
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:03 am
by Burgerbob
sirisobhakya wrote: ↑Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:33 am
882O has only one generation.
882 and 882O (and the corresponding gold brass bell version 882G and 882GO) have narrow slide. 882OR (and GOR) has wide slide, reverse tuning slide on both main and F-side, and slightly wider F-side tube. It also has nickel-silver crook.
I play-tested the 882O and OR side by side once. The 882OR is much more free-blowing, with “hollower” sound.
I remember the 882 having a wise slide. I could be wrong though!
In any case, it's by far my favorite modern xeno tenor.
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:08 am
by Finetales
I've played all 3 (882/882O/882OR) back to back on multiple occasions. They certainly do not play anywhere close to the same! I feel like the 882 closed wrap has to have a different leadpipe than the others because it plays very differently from the open wraps. And like Burgerbob, it's by far my favorite. I don't care for the open wrap models at all; easy to play of course, but they feel just so lifeless in my hands. The 882 on the other hand is magic. Lots of color and does exactly what you want it to do with very little effort. It's one of my favorite .547s I've ever tried.
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:08 pm
by bassclef
Finetales wrote: ↑Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:08 am
I've played all 3 (882/882O/882OR) back to back on multiple occasions. They certainly do not play anywhere close to the same! I feel like the 882 closed wrap has to have a different leadpipe than the others because it plays very differently from the open wraps. And like Burgerbob, it's by far my favorite. I don't care for the open wrap models at all; easy to play of course, but they feel just so lifeless in my hands. The 882 on the other hand is magic. Lots of color and does exactly what you want it to do with very little effort. It's one of my favorite .547s I've ever tried.
I've been covering my large bore tenor needs with an 882OR for quite some time now. I'm intrigued by the closed-wrap 882. I'm curious - which one have you tried, the currently-available-in USA Xeno 882 or the JDM 882U(G)II ?
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:16 pm
by Burgerbob
The US model.
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 3:22 pm
by WilliamLang
When I tried out all the 882s at ITF last summer, I really liked the 882GOR - the rose bell really added something to the sound for me. That and the 882V that I own were my favorites, though I would take the closed wraps of the 882OR.
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 4:19 pm
by Remington
Here's a post I wrote for a similar thread...
The 882OR and 882O are different horn beyond the removable leadpipe... You can compare the individual components at Bracing, valve, valve tubing, slide crook, leadpipe. They share some parts but there are significant differences, especially in how they play.
Ko-ichiro Yamamoto, David Finlayson, Larry Zalkind along with many other professionals (military bands) play / have played the 882OR.
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 4:27 pm
by Finetales
bassclef wrote: ↑Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:08 pmI've been covering my large bore tenor needs with an 882OR for quite some time now. I'm intrigued by the closed-wrap 882. I'm curious - which one have you tried, the currently-available-in USA Xeno 882 or the JDM 882U(G)II ?
The US 882. I would love to compare it to the JDM model!
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 6:25 pm
by Trav1s
Finetales wrote: ↑Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:08 am
I've played all 3 (882/882O/882OR) back to back on multiple occasions. They certainly do not play anywhere close to the same! I feel like the 882 closed wrap has to have a different leadpipe than the others because it plays very differently from the open wraps. And like Burgerbob, it's by far my favorite. I don't care for the open wrap models at all; easy to play of course, but they feel just so lifeless in my hands. The 882 on the other hand is magic. Lots of color and does exactly what you want it to do with very little effort. It's one of my favorite .547s I've ever tried.
I felt the same way at ITF 2018 about the 882. I did not swap slides around but now it all makes sense.
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 3:34 pm
by bassclef
Finetales wrote: ↑Sun Mar 05, 2023 4:27 pm
The US 882. I would love to compare it to the JDM model!
There's about a dozen 882UG's for sale between eBay & Reverb at the moment. All gold bells though, I think I'm going to try to get my hands on a yellow-belled version first.
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 1:34 am
by greenbean
I have played a few of those domestic Japan models - "Custom" series but I can't keep the model numbers straight. They have all been fantastic!...
And... the US dollar is *very* strong against the Japanese yen right now. A good time to buy from Japanese shops...
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 2:18 pm
by bassclef
I wonder if the 882 is the horn he's playing at the end of the video below? It's purposefully out of focus, but at a couple different points I think you can tell pretty clearly that it has the same "semi-open" attachment wrap. I think the timeline works at least...this video was posted in 2017 and I believe the 882 showed up in 2020. Whatever that horn is, it sounds fantastic! A very different character, to my ears, compared to the 882OR.
Side note: I love David's video editing style/sense of humor. I wish he posted more!
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 2:47 pm
by Trav1s
Video said copyright 2016.
The 882 was available and on display at ITF 2018 in Iowa City. I played both the 882 and the 882G extensively. While the rep talked about the open wrap horns, I kept returning to the 882s with 882G being the horn I liked from my side of the bell. Those that heard me thought the 882 was a better fit for me. Both were incredibly easy to play, very responsive, and consistant across the entire range. Hmmm
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 2:55 pm
by Burgerbob
The 882 has been around since at least 2015, if not earlier.
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 4:23 pm
by bassclef
Trav1s wrote: ↑Tue Mar 14, 2023 2:47 pm
The 882 was available and on display at ITF 2018 in Iowa City. I played both the 882 and the 882G extensively. While the rep talked about the open wrap horns, I kept returning to the 882s with 882G being the horn I liked from my side of the bell. Those that heard me thought the 882 was a better fit for me. Both were incredibly easy to play, very responsive, and consistant across the entire range. Hmmm
Oh, cool - thanks for the clarification. I saw an "available since" date for the 882 as 2020, but now that I think of it, that was on a dealer website.
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 11:02 pm
by bassclef
Well, I took a chance. The Mighty Quinn had an 882 for sale which I would stare at a little too often after reading some of the comments in this thread.
I'm glad I did. It was delivered this afternoon and I spent a couple hours on an A/B session with my 882OR tonight and then went though my daily routine on the 882. All playing was done with a Greg Black 4.5-5G L .277 #1
I found the comments above to be accurate. The sound was lively and colorful at all dynamic levels. Response was instant. I found it very nimble with both fast articulations and slurs/flexibility. Consistent and very efficient with everything tried to do with it. I even made it through some Remington-style sixteenth note flexibility exercises which I'd usually struggle to complete in one breath with more ease. I've played horns which would be described as incredibly easy or highly efficient before, but this one didn't seem to have any of the negative qualities which sometimes come along with those things like the sound getting kind of harsh a little too fast when you step on the gas.
High Range
I didn't necessarily find it to be any easier or more accessible than the OR (they're both pretty good), but being primarily a bass trombonist who doesn't play large bore tenor all that regularly, I'm taking the fact that it wasn't any more difficult as a win. What was easier than the OR was producing a singing, clear sound up there. I'll figure it out more as time goes by.
Low Range
NICE low range (below the staff). I wondered if since the 882 feels a bit "smaller" overall than the OR the low register might not be as good. I don't know if this will make sense to anyone but me, but the OR lets you move air and articulate in the low register like it's a bass trombone. The 882 wants you to do those things more like it's a tenor, but when you do, the results are fantastic.
F-Attachment Notes
For valve notes in any register, I did not find the 882 to feel noticeably less "open" than the OR at all. I have a 640 with the same wrap which I play often so I feel like I kind of knew what to expect here. The was a very slightly more defined transition between notes when slurring in/out of the f-attachment than with the OR but I did not have a problem keeping proper legato style going in and out of the valve. Perhaps if I was accustomed to axial valves this would be a problem, but I've played a horn with axial valves for about 15 minutes total in my whole life.
Soft Dynamics
Great response on both horns. The 882 did have a fuller tone quality and more color to my ear when playing soft.
Loud Dynamics
I love the way the sound blooms when pushing up to ff-fff or beyond. I kept waiting for it to get gross but it never did. Brightness of tone increases with volume, but in a pleasant and exciting way. I don't think it lost core or focus even as the sound got louder and bigger. The OR loves to be played loud. The "hollow" quality of the sound disappears when you feed it copious amounts of air. The sound just gets bigger and bigger, keeps that focus and core which isn't necessarily present at lower dynamics, but remains what most might call "dark".
Mix-Match Parts
The 882 has a more narrow slide than the OR. According to the Yamaha parts portal, the removable leadpipe is the same. The OR bell with the 882 slide worked fine. Seemed to add a little bit of clarity but didn't produce a "wow" reaction so I didn't spend a whole lot of time with that combo. The 882 bell with the wide OR slide was wonderful. Most all of the specific sound and articulation characteristics were there, but the feel changed like there was a little more "room" to move around. In the limited time I've tried this combo so far, it's like it offered all the things I like about both horns. I don't know if I can afford to keep the OR around just for the slide but man, I'd like to have that configuration available. Was it better than the standard 882? Not necessarily, but if I ever want or need something which sounds and feels a bit bigger than the 882, this is most definitely it.
Only one so far - it feels HEAVY. It balances in the hand just fine, not nose heavy or feeling like it wants to fall away from my head, but even when holding it perpendicular to the ground it's noticeably heavier then the OR. Doing the best I could to balance the horn with the slide bumper in the center of my digital scale without applying significant pressure up or down, it seemed to register only about 1.5-2 ounces heavier than the OR but it feels a like pound or so more. I know with the semi-open wrap there is more nickel tubing which adds some weight. There is also an additional ring at the end of each of the slide receiving parts which you don't see on other Yamahas with this wrap in addition to a small counterweight. This is not a deal breaker, and might not even require the addition of a grip aid, but it's a quite noticeable difference in overall weight.
To summarize, I think the OR really shines when you're working in the back row of a large/loud orchestra. I don't play that type of job very often. I think the 882 is going to be a way better tool for the stuff where I use a large tenor - occasional pit orchestra applications and small ensembles.
I didn't choose music as a primary career, but I take my playing as seriously as I possibly can. I am fortunate to get called to work with incredible players who did choose such a path on some of the higher level stuff which happens in my area. Because my day job in IT doesn't allow practice time to cover all of my doubles everyday alongside preparing for the next thing on the calendar, it's important to me to choose equipment which helps me sound good right away on a horn I might not have even touched for a while. I feel like Yamahas have always helped with that for me and the 882 is perhaps the best example of such a horn I've found so far. I can't wait to spend more time with it and take it out into real world situations. I think I'm going to love it.
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 2:35 pm
by bassclef
Just because you don't see a lot of the 882's out in the wild, I saw this in my feed this morning. This person sounds great!
Just because you don't see a lot of the 882's out in the wild, I saw this in my feed this morning. This person sounds great!
Burt plays an 882 bell section with the wide slide from the 882OR.
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:44 am
by bassclef
I just noticed that David Finlayson is playing the 882 in the "STS2018" collection of videos on this channel.
I think he's using the wide slide from the OR model.
Re: Yamaha 882 vs 882O vs 882OR?
Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2023 9:20 am
by MBurner
Burt Mason is one of the best freelancers in NYC- he’s principal of the Chamber Orchestra of NY, and plays frequently in the MET and Philharmonic. Really fantastic person too.
In a lesson with Dave Finlayson, he once told me his Yamaha is the best Bach he ever played. I personally think that’s from the slide and leadpipe quality. One of my contemporaries over in the DC Navy Band has been playing an 882OR, and makes a fantastic sound. Trying the wide vs. narrow slides, I always love the response of the narrow slide, and don’t think it’s missing too much in impact of sound. That said, I prefer the wider slide. While I prefer my optimized Bach, the Yamaha may be the best “stock” horn on the market.