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Getzen 4147IB or 3047AF?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 9:11 am
by garyosu
Hi everyone, first post here and I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read and provide feedback on this question.

I'm an amateur who has been playing for 30 years including high level through high school and getting a music degree in college. I have continued to play semi-regularly since graduating, but at best, I get about 30 minutes a day to play.

I played on a Holton 158 through college and now, I really want to get a really nice horn. I tried out an AC280 over the weekend and wasn't in love with it like I wanted to be. Now I'm trialing the two Getzens noted in the title and they feel and make me sound amazing.

I don't feel like there is much difference between these horns. I know the 3047 has the Thayer valve, it comes with three different leadpipes, and has a wider slide. The 4147 has the harmonic pillar system and the rose brass bell. Overall, they both play really nicely for me. I think I sound a little clearer and brighter on the 4147.

So I'd love any feedback from anyone who has time on what I should be considering with these two horns given they play so similarly for me. Any experiences anyone has had owning and playing them would be greatly appreciated as well. Thanks in advance!

Re: Getzen 4147IB or 3047AF?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 10:10 am
by Matt K
If I found a Thayer and a rotor horn to play similarly, I'd personally lean towards the rotor. It's a touch less maintenance, in my experience. You'd be hard pressed to go wrong though, Getzen horns are really nice.

Re: Getzen 4147IB or 3047AF?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 10:18 am
by bitbckt
I haven't had the opportunity (yet) to play the 4147IB, but I've been happy with my 3047AFR for the few years now that I've owned it. It's my primary tenor and has been an easy friend to get along with.

I would think your comfort with the slide width (both mechanically and in the blow) would be the biggest determining factor, but again, I haven't played the 4147IB.

Re: Getzen 4147IB or 3047AF?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 10:42 am
by tbonesullivan
Both of the horns you mentioned are great horns, and will serve you well for decades to come. The 4147IB may be a bit closer to what you are used to, though the TR158 has a Nickel Silver outer side to go with the 9" rose brass bell.

For me personally, I usually like the feel / throw of rotors over that of the axial flow valves. Even though my daily driver for many years was one. But it wasn't a Getzen AF, and I hear those are very nice.

I would really focus on ergonomics, as the 4147IB has a narrow slide and a somewhat unique slide brace on the outer slide, which is pretty beefy. As long as it is clearing your neck well and you jive with the outer slide brace, my gut feeling is to go with the 4147IB.

Re: Getzen 4147IB or 3047AF?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:18 pm
by Kdanielsen
I’d go with clearer and brighter any day. Makes life easier.

Re: Getzen 4147IB or 3047AF?

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 10:08 am
by Digidog
Kdanielsen wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:18 pm I’d go with clearer and brighter any day. Makes life easier.
And I second that.

So my vote goes to the 4147, though I haven't played one myself.

Re: Getzen 4147IB or 3047AF?

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 6:41 pm
by Trav1s
I just played the 4147IB and the 4047DS but avoided the 3047AFR because of the Thayer. Worth noting - the 4147IB has a narrower slide gold brass slide crook and the new valve is very nice. I found it to be very easy to play, linear in response, and just really a great horn. It just felt natural to me from the first note.

Re: Getzen 4147IB or 3047AF?

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 7:48 pm
by Dennis
garyosu wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 9:11 am I played on a Holton 158 through college and now, I really want to get a really nice horn. I tried out an AC280 over the weekend and wasn't in love with it like I wanted to be. Now I'm trialing the two Getzens noted in the title and they feel and make me sound amazing.

So, the good news first: if both horns feel and sound amazing, you can't make a bad choice.

I recall the Holton 158s I've played feeling a lot like an 88H. I'm going to guess that the 4147IB feels more like home than the 3047AF, and that's probably why you feel "brighter and clearer" on it. The 3047AF feels a lot more "Bach 42" to me (especially with the yellow brass bell), and I've never been a fan of the 42B or even the valveless 42.

Based on what you say, I'm going to vote for the 4147IB.

Re: Getzen 4147IB or 3047AF?

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 11:36 am
by garyosu
Thanks to everyone for the feedback and voting. I decided to keep the 4147 based on your feedback and my experience with the horns. I'm looking forward to getting back into making music daily!