King 607F mods

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King 607F mods

Post by Monkhouse »

Looks like I'll be replacing the valve, or valve knuckle on a 607F. I'm curious if it would it be possible to swap the tenon to mate up with a 2B slide, or 2B valve section. I'd also have to swap the tenon on the 607 slide, or would you add 607 tenons to the 2B parts? I'm more interested in the valve+f attachment combo, so switching the tenon on just the valve section is a possibility also.
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Matt K
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Re: King 607F mods

Post by Matt K »

If I were doing this, I'd swap the tenon on the 2B valve "slide". Theoretically, if you got your hands on the 2b slide receiver it would probably be okay, but it might be too small. Tenon swap, on the other hand, should be relatively straightforward for a good tech.
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