New Horn Day - Holton 65 /1965

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New Horn Day - Holton 65 /1965

Post by dcslideman »

I just picked up a Holton 65. Serial number 398xxx which puts it in 1965 according to lists I can find. Info is pretty scarce, but from reading on here and web searches, this seems like about the tail end of the run for the 65? It is the gold brass bell/nickel silver slide variation which I believe is the Morrow variation? The earlier variation appears to be mostly yellow brass?

Another question that came up was marking on the slide. It is engraved with "10053" and a"65" below it. The "65" is obviously the model name but what is the other number? I couldn't find any documentation on that. Is it maybe a serial # for the slide?

I think I am measuring .485 bore, but I see some people saying .495 or .491. Any info on that would be interesting too.

It seems like a horn I will enjoy for not a lot of money!
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Re: New Horn Day - Holton 65 /1965

Post by walldaja »


2020ish? Shires Q30GR with 2CL
1982 King 607F with 13CL
Yamaha 421G Bass with Christian Lindberg 2CL / Bach 1 1/2G
Bach Soloist with 13CL
1967 Olds Ambassador with 10CL
1957 Besson 10-10
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Re: New Horn Day - Holton 65 /1965

Post by dcslideman »

sorry, a little blury
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