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Dental work/nerve damage/anesthetic

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:33 am
by Dago
Sorry if this is a repost. Can’t search due to having to having to be verified as a new user.

I was once talking with a trumpet player that said there is a type of anesthetic that can cause nerve damage and he said his dentist doesn’t use it because of this reason. I have to have some dental work done and I wanted to mention this to my dentist. I can’t remember who told me and what the name of the anesthetic was.

Re: Dental work/nerve damage/anesthetic

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 11:27 am
by CharlieB
AHA !!!
That's why I can't play like Urbie or Bill. ( ( (
A bit of heavy reading here says there is some risk.
Link below.
Significant ? Dunno.
Wonder if we still have the dentists on this forum ?