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New Jazz Boutique

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 5:13 pm
by canofor
Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum and I'm interested in several new models: Yamaha 891Z, getzen 3508, edwards T302, Bac Paseo/custom and the lawler to play jazz. The drawback is that I live in Spain and I don't have the chance to try. Could anyone recommend me or have had experience with these models? At the moment I am not interested in vintage models. I know that it is a risky and complicated decision because each musician looks for some characteristics, but specifically I'm looking for a 0.508 bore model.

Re: New Jazz Boutique

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 5:23 pm
by BGuttman
Hi and welcome!

Firstly, Roy Lawlor has announced his retirement and I believe is no longer taking orders

You might also consider Schmelzer (Model 1?) and the Rath R1. Both are made in Europe and should be easier to find in Spain than the American Getzen, BAC, and Edwards.

Re: New Jazz Boutique

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 5:48 pm
by Trevorspaulding376
I’ve played many of these

Big fan of the Getzen 3508/ t302s
Also really liked my BAC custom 6 I had, phenomenal sound and really fun to play.

Not so much a fan of the 891z but mine only had one of the pipes perhaps I would have liked it better with the other pipe , color of tone was more bland for me.

Have had a scmelzer 1, not as easy of a blow as the Edwards/Getzen/ bac, a little tighter blow but man I loved the sound I really did. Would get another in a heart beat.

Rath is great , lots of options here

But after trying a lot of boutique horns they are imo only nominally better than a great version of a classic horn like a classic NY Bach etc , I find the boutique horns do seem to have more of an ease of blow and play though

Re: New Jazz Boutique

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 7:17 pm
by Pezza
I love my Corp Bach 12

Re: New Jazz Boutique

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 7:29 pm
by harrisonreed
I know it's not on your list but it's hard to beat the 3B silversonic. Blows boutique stuff out of the water.

Otherwise, I'd suggest the BAC Elliott Mason custom with a few different flares. Between the pipes, flares, and counterweight, you will have the most malleable horn imaginable.

Re: New Jazz Boutique

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 7:30 pm
by hornbuilder
M&W offer a complete range of options!


Re: New Jazz Boutique

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 8:02 pm
by Finetales
Courtois 402 Xtreme is another new option in .508", plays like a great 3B. Speaking of 3Bs, I've played a really great new 3B as well, but between the two I would trust Courtois more sight unseen as far as quality control goes. I'd take either over an 891Z.

There is also the XO 1634RLT, but I don't have any experience with that (nor any other models listed in the OP).

Re: New Jazz Boutique

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 7:12 am
by brtnats
I bought a new 891Z sight-unseen because it *wasn’t* boutique, and I felt like it would be a known entity. I love it, but I went through some mouthpiece and leadpipe iterations to get it to that point.

Personally, I would be extremely hesitant to buy ANY boutique horn without getting to physically play it first. There’s just too much temptation to mess with options without the ability to actually DO that.

Might be a long shot, but any chance you can get to Sanganxa Music Store in Valencia? Looks like they’re what you’re looking for.

Re: New Jazz Boutique

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 7:16 am
by Matt K
You could do that with any horn though. There are a probably more than a dozen bell be slide combinations with your Yamaha

Re: New Jazz Boutique

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 8:11 am
by HermanGerman
A strange selection... they play like trombones play, a matter of taste I guess

Re: New Jazz Boutique

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 7:03 pm
by johntarr
I wouldn’t buy a boutique horn without some guidance and the ability to try the various combinations. This, from personal experience, just sayn’.

Good luck,


Re: New Jazz Boutique

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:39 pm
by Kevbach33
What chair(s) are you looking at playing? Or are you doing combo work? That might also influence your choice.

If you decide upon either the Yamaha or the Getzen custom, you'll know fairly quickly which leadpipe will give you the best results.

I singled these out because you are less likely to play around with the other components with them being fixed construction otherwise. You're also less likely to get a dud; although not boutique, both brands are very consistent in quality.

Maybe I'm a bit biased (I did recently buy an Eterna bass which also has interchangeable leadpipes) but I'd go for the Getzen of the lot you've given us. If you're playing in a big band and especially lead, I'd get the yellow bell (3508Y) over the red.

Re: New Jazz Boutique

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 7:44 am
by canofor
Thank you all for the answers. I give you information about me. I play in a 1st/2nd big band and in a large ensemble ('mini' big band) with eleven musicians like Marty Paich. Of the options I would have the possibility of being able to test the AC402 and the 891-Z. The 3508 would be complicated but it also has a dealer in Spain. Has anyone had the chance to test the 891-ZD? It has a removable bell, although I don't know if it provides a respective improvement over the 891-Z.

Re: New Jazz Boutique

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 6:34 pm
by Joebone
Being in Europe, have you considered the .488/.500/.512 "Bart Van Lier" trombones from Kuhnl & Hoyer? Thomman is a dealer, and they appear to have a 30-day return policy. I have some experience with the .512, and am really impressed.

Re: New Jazz Boutique

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 2:15 am
by HermanGerman
Yes, the Bart van Liers...great option

Re: New Jazz Boutique

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 2:16 am
by HermanGerman
Yes, the Bart van Liers...great option, also the XO 1634