Shires Sauer -bell?

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Shires Sauer -bell?

Post by knutarne1 »

Is the Ralph Sauer-bell from Shires a type1 or type2-bell?
How is it different from the new Rejano-bell?
I have a spare Shires 7ylw and a 2ym-bell that I consider swapping into different Shires bells.
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Matt K
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Re: Shires Sauer -bell?

Post by Matt K »

My understading it is some kind of type 7 bell. Quoting myself, who was in turn quoting someone from the old TBC forum here:

Red brass can be both darker sounding than gold brass and brighter sounding than yellow brass, depending on player input and the set up it's paired with. The Ralph Sauer bell is a a red brass type 7 bell, and many people adore it. The 2RVE also remains extremely popular. (Full disclosure: I have one of each bell, I am a red brass fan). The colors you can get our of red brass are unlike either of the other two offerings, extremely flexible and expressive.
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