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Conn 78H vs. Bach 34?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 12:02 pm
by johntarr

Has anyone had the opportunity to compare these two horns to one another? It seems like they might have been developed for a similar purpose, being that they’re both 522.

Thanks in advance,

Curious in Sweden

Re: Conn 78H vs. Bach 34?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 3:17 pm
by Thrawn22
I've been told the 34 is a copy of a 78H. Bell tapering, bore over length of a 78H was copied by Bach.

Re: Conn 78H vs. Bach 34?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 8:52 pm
by hyperbolica
I'd bet there were some areas Bach chose to improve rather than copy. I don't know much about the 34, but I know the 36 well enough. If the difference is mainly 522 vs 525 it's not that much.

78h has a bell that's thin and light. They have this tendency to get bright and shrill when pushed. 36s don't have that problem because the bells are probably thicker.

I'm a big 79h fan, but I'd take a 36 over a 78h every day of the week. 36 just feels more solid and less brittle. 79h, with the extra weight from the valve, somehow avoids the shortcomings of the 78h.

34s are even less attainable than 78h, I'm not sure how/if they compare with the 36.

Re: Conn 78H vs. Bach 34?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 8:58 pm
by Burgerbob
34H is a bit smaller in all regards than the 36, AFAIK. Gooseneck, tuning slide taper, bell taper.

Re: Conn 78H vs. Bach 34?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 10:37 pm
by ngrinder
I've owned both (and still own the 34). All of the characteristics one can attribute to a Conn were apparent in the Conn, and the same can be said for the Bach. The 78H might have been a bit leaner, but the bell length threw me for a loop. Played them both on many a show and gig, the Bach won out. Also, being able to plug a 36 slide into the slightly tighter taper'd bell of the 34 gave it a bit more versatility. Both great horns, it comes down to which brand suits your playing style.

Re: Conn 78H vs. Bach 34?

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:31 pm
by dukesboneman
I have played both for years.
I played 78H`s for well over 20 some odd years and used them on everything
1) I had a 1928 satin silver with gold wash Bell - Very heavy horn. More "Bach-ish" as you could really push it without it breaking up/
2) 1965- lighter but very versatile
3) Custom 78H - Red Brass (custom ordered) Bell with silver plated slide. Should never have sold it. Incredible horn.
Really open and free blowing. THE Best Conn I`ve ever played.
I found them to be great lead horns, Blended well with sections. I always used a Bach 7C with them all
I switched to Bach
More of the sound I have in my head
I have an Lt36 Mount Vernon, with an Edwards #2 leadpipe. Great Horn, If I had to go to one horn that would be it
I`ve played on 4 different 34`s
2 I loved and 2 I did not.
The two I loved played like my #3 78H. Very open and free , great upper range but had the Darker Bach sound.
The other 2 just felt very bright and almost brittle sounding. so much so that I didn`t feel the need to try them again.
I think the 78H was one of the Best horns Conn ever made. Shame they discontinued it.

Re: Conn 78H vs. Bach 34?

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 11:24 pm
by johntarr
Thanks for all of your interesting and helpful answers. Luckily I will soon have the opportunity to try a 34. I will report back after I've had a chance to play it a bit.

Re: Conn 78H vs. Bach 34?

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 6:52 am
by elmsandr
Burgerbob wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 8:58 pm 34H is a bit smaller in all regards than the 36, AFAIK. Gooseneck, tuning slide taper, bell taper.
This isn’t quite right.

According to the shop cards, every component is the same except the bore and the bell mandril. (For a 36 it is a #414 across the board, for a 34 it is a #446 bell and everything else a #414.

Remember, for bigger horns Bach was not in the habit of having a lot of similar parts… he’d just use the exact same part.


Re: Conn 78H vs. Bach 34?

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 8:22 am
by Burgerbob
elmsandr wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 6:52 am
Burgerbob wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 8:58 pm 34H is a bit smaller in all regards than the 36, AFAIK. Gooseneck, tuning slide taper, bell taper.
This isn’t quite right.

According to the shop cards, every component is the same except the bore and the bell mandril. (For a 36 it is a #414 across the board, for a 34 it is a #446 bell and everything else a #414.

Remember, for bigger horns Bach was not in the habit of having a lot of similar parts… he’d just use the exact same part.

Hmm, you probably have better sources than myself. I was told that it had a different gooseneck, tuning slide, bell taper. (and that it was a copy of the 78H)

Re: Conn 78H vs. Bach 34?

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 1:39 am
by johntarr
To report back, I ended up trying and buying a 34. Something about the instrument made it just wonderful for me. It plays very easily, has a warm sound and I just look forward to playing it. I’ve never played a Conn 78 but that’s ok, the Bach will do nicely for now.

Thanks for your comments,
