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WTT Hercules slide-brace trombone stand for standard K&M trombone stand

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 2:39 pm
by ttf_anonymous
This is exactly what I'm looking to trade.  I have a Hercules DS520B trombone stand that holds the horn by the slide braces.  It works fine, except that personally, I absolutely hate it.  However, I love the K&M stands I have. 

Anyone want to trade?  I don't care if it's the regular stand or the heavier duty 14990 stand, I'm open. I just want K&M (the Hamilton stands I've found fall apart, so no thanks to those as well).

Holler at me, let's make a deal!

WTT Hercules slide-brace trombone stand for standard K&M trombone stand

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:57 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Stand spoken for, trade accomplished.  Thanks, The Trombone Forum!!