Getzen 950?

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Getzen 950?

Post by TrombVB »

Hi :hi:
Can anyone tell me more about these old Getzen models? With what other brands can it be ranked by the level of play? How can you describe their sound? Is it great for playing in a big band?

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Re: Getzen 950?

Post by Cotboneman »

I'm not familiar with older Getzen models pre-1990, but they did manufacture up until relatively recently the Eterna 1050 model, which back then was marketed as a pro horn initially, until their Pro Shop came out with the 3508 model. I think by then it was considered more a step-up trombone. It had a .508 slide and an 8" bell.

I ordered one from Steve Ferguson back in the day and used it on gigs and in my everyday teaching. By 2017 it was aging but it held sentimental value, so I had it completely restored. It's still a great player, even though I don't do band gigs anymore after I retired from teaching. I'd describe the sound that I get out of it as bright, compact and focused. It has clean, even slotting in the upper register, but it can push back just a little. Over a long gig that tired me out sometimes. It can bark when you want it to.

I think the 950 was a .500 bore trombone from the 1970's. I don't know if it was considered to be a pro horn or not.
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Re: Getzen 950?

Post by tbonesullivan »

They talk about it a bunch in this older thread:
David S. - daveyboy37 from TTF
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Re: Getzen 950?

Post by nelson31 »

I found this ad from 1977 that lists it as a top model that year. Wonder if they are still good for the one week trial? :D ... one-ad.jpg
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