John Packer JP230 Rath

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John Packer JP230 Rath

Post by Imperat »

Good morning, I haven't played my king 4b for a few years due to a lung condition. I wanted to return to the trombone but it's too heavy for me, so I had thought to start with a simple 12.7 gauge trombone. Does anyone have references to this trombone?: John Packer JP230 Rath
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Re: John Packer JP230 Rath

Post by BGuttman »

I've heard it's a pretty good instrument and good value for money. It's not a top line professional horn but is easy to play. Should be a good fit.
Bruce Guttman
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Re: John Packer JP230 Rath

Post by Model34 »

I owned and played a JP/Rath 230 and 231. The 230 is an excellent small bore horn. However since you’re coming from a 4B, I believe you will find the blow of the 231 more to your liking. The 231 is 13.33 gauge. I played the 231 a lot. I played it with a Griego 6.5 light weight mouthpiece. I rate that combo “the best King 3B ever made”. However, both of these horns are built lo take abuse from beginners, so they are a little heavy. The blow and the price can’t be beat. Superb quality and rock bottom price for a “real trombone”. Or if you just want to get your chops going again, with next to zero weight, those plastic Pbones are fun and dirt cheap. I’ve been playing for 68 years. If you continue playing after you’re back in shape, I can recommend a Shires Q 30A with the Shires Gooseneck to make it a straight horn, because it is a great sounding horn and it is the same gauge as your 4B, but lighter.
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Re: John Packer JP230 Rath

Post by Imperat »

Thank you very much for attending me and I apologize for my bad English. I have a plastic Pbone but the slider gets stuck a lot. I had noticed the jp 230 for the price, but if it is heavy I am not interested. I am looking for a 12.7 gauge trombone that is as light as possible and cheap. If you can give me an idea of ​​possible instrument... Thank you very much
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Re: John Packer JP230 Rath

Post by Model34 »

Sounds like a defective pbone slide. To stay cheap and light I’d try another pbone. But if that doesn’t work for you, then Wessex makes good instruments, based on my experience with their euphoniums. You might look out for their annual Black Friday sale. Black Friday being the day after Thanksgiving in the States which always falls on a Thursday. However, shipping cost may be an issue. They mainly ship from London. They are very prompt with shipping! Or at least they were before covid. If you see a horn to your liking on their site you can ask questions about the weight of the horn.
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