After saving hard during lockdown (at least it was good for something!), I finally paid a visit to the Rath factory at the start of July.
The whole experience was superb and Tim's ear and guidance were excellent. I also had a trumpet playing friend who joined me (anything for a free lunch!!!) who was a blown away with the set up of the place and the options. Having the extra ear was obviously a big help as well.
So the set up I intially had mind was red bell/rotax/yellow slide and work from there. Tim had also set up a nickel/hagmann/dual bore slide to give me an idea of the spectrum available.
I was honestly shocked at how much each component change impacted on the response & feel. For example I found the dual bore slide really hard to get a focused sound from it & the all yellow set up had a great sounding mid-upper register however the lower/trigger notes didn't speak as easily. I also found the Hagmanns much better than the rotax so that was ruled out straight away.
After narrowing each part down and then finishing with the leadpipe. I finally settled on red brass/hagmann/yellow tuning/yellow slide with 9/9B nickel pipes.
I have played a couple of Raths before and they were really good but the difference it makes being able to try the various components makes a huge difference.
I just need to find a home for my B&S Meistersinger so if anyone in the UK & preferable within reasonable travelling distance from Edinburgh is interested, or knows of anyone who would be, then get in touch. The good wife's patience towards having ANOTHER big case in the house won't last very long
