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FS: Large and Small Shank Mouthpieces

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 6:47 am
by ttf_fgodin
A few mouthpieces to sell:

Large Shank
Denis Wick 6BL - 40$
Vincent Bach 6 1/2 AL - 20$
Yamaha Japan 53HL (euphonium)- 30$
Denis Wick SM4 (euphonium) - 80$
Vincent Bach 1 1/2G - 40$

Small Shank
Vincent Bach 7 - 20$
Vincent Bach Corp. New York 16 (faded gold plate) - 80$
Vincent Bach 12E - 40$
Schilke 47C4 - 30$
Griego 15 (Mint Condition, only tried never played) - 100$

Pics upon request
Contact me for a shipping quote to US/CANADA