Please help me improve my trombone site!

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Please help me improve my trombone site!

Post by AndersLarson »


My site has been around since 2010 - and it was really starting to show! So I decided to re-launch it as a membership site with one clear goal:
making it the best trombone resource online with the largest amount of high-quality content
(ok, that is technically two goals but who counts...)

It has been live in its remodeled form for a while now, and since I will keep improving it, your input is most valuable, both as a visitor but of course also if you use the trombone content as a member:

Site layout and communication - does it work?
Content mix - the right blend of etudes, warmups, scales, technical exercises, etc?
Usability - what is your experience using the site and its content?
Pricing - too cheap, too expensive, or spot on (start from 5$ per month)?

I put my heart and soul into it, so I hope you like it, and would very much appreciate it if you swing by for a quick (or long!) peak (there is a free trial for everyone šŸ˜‰).


I look forward to reading every single comment! Praise will motivate me to add more content and criticism will make me improve the site, so it will get better regardless!

Free-blowing regards,
Anders Larson
founder of and previous world record holder in the loudest pp

Anders Larson
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Re: Please help me improve my trombone site!

Post by HermanGerman »

A cheap way to promote your site: just post something about it here on trombonechat...
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Re: Please help me improve my trombone site!

Post by AndersLarson »

Dear Herman, yes - the site will potentially be visited by trombone players. But I hope and believe that my post is relevant to the forum and fellow trombone players since I am honestly looking for feedback to improve the site further. I trust the forum admins to decide whether my post is ok or not!
Kind regards,
Anders Larson
Jazz trombone player, conductor, arranger and educator
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Re: Please help me improve my trombone site!

Post by BGuttman »

We don't have a problem with other sites "advertising" on this one, as long as they are related to trombone. If it is simply a site to sell trombone stuff, that goes in the Classifieds.
Bruce Guttman
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Re: Please help me improve my trombone site!

Post by robcat2075 »

The front page doesn't look TERRIBLE and yet... when I first see it, it strikes me as styled as something that a URL squatter would put up.

Clip art background photo, vague bullet points, the "free trial" button that leads to something that's probably going to cost me money...

And the name... digital trombone... hmmm.

It's going to be tough for a pay site to compete with all the free material already out there.
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Re: Please help me improve my trombone site!

Post by Wilktone »

I linked to your web site on my blog back in 2010, I notice. Congratulations on keeping your web site active for such a long time! That's quite an accomplishment.
robcat2075 wrote: ā†‘Wed May 25, 2022 10:51 am It's going to be tough for a pay site to compete with all the free material already out there.
I suspect that's probably true. Personally, I'm not a fan of the subscription model that you're going for, for probably no good reason. I do have some web site subscriptions for some non-music related topics I enjoy, however. I don't like that it's not clear looking through how much a subscription is going to cost, just that there is a "free trial." I generally won't follow through and give away any of my personal information without it being quite clear before I click the "free trial" button what info I'm going to be asked for, what it's going to cost if I accept, and how to end my subscription should I decide it's not worth it for me.

Another option, which you've maybe considered and rejected, would be to simply sell downloadable content (or even physical copies, if you're willing to deal with shipping). That way your readers could get the specific materials that they are interested in and pay for them up front what they feel it's worth. Personally, this is a model I'd be more likely to use.

Are all your PDFs embedded like the "Weekly free exercise"? I do sometimes read music off of my tablet and notice that more musicians are doing this, but I don't want to have to do so or necessarily have access to the internet in order to practice something. If someone subscribes do they have the option to download and print?

The blog section is great and has lots of interesting things to look through. Assuming that you're still regularly updating it you might consider making it more prominent on your site. Maybe stick some summaries of the last few posts on your main page in a side column or something?

Good luck with your site!

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Re: Please help me improve my trombone site!

Post by harrisonreed »

Realism dose - Joseph Alessi charges $5 per month for his service like this.
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Re: Please help me improve my trombone site!

Post by jorymil »

Are you shooting for something like Scott Devine does with Scott's Bass Lessons, or Jared does with Drumeo? Or are you going strictly for sheet music? It seems like there needs to be some sort of teaser content to pull people in and prove your bona fides. Don't just give them sheet music, but demonstrate it being played.
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Re: Please help me improve my trombone site!

Post by jorymil »

In the past, I've purchased several of Michael Davis's videos: hearing how Marshall Gilkes plays pedals or how Bob McChesney doodle tongues is worth the price of admission.
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Re: Please help me improve my trombone site!

Post by johntarr »

Hej Anders!

Hereā€™s my two cents, which probably wonā€™t be very helpful. While I applaud what youā€™re doing, my sense is that because there is so much free material (sheet music, videos, audio and blogs) out there that your site may seem unnecessary. My own interests are not in acquiring more material but rather improving how I use what I have. Iā€™m also not a fan of the prescription model because I feel it forces me to keep trying new things rather than spending the time needed on what I have.

Because we have access to an overwhelming source of material and information, whatā€™s needed is how to use just some of that information to help us develop. Iā€™ll attempt to explain by using two examples from your site.

You offer one or more Bach Suites in all 12 keys and posit that going through them offers some unique technical challenges and that is certainly true. However, I would ask how useful would such an endeavor be, considering the time investment? It has been said that practicing the Cello Suites is a way for trombonists to develop musicality and have access to the great music of Bach, even though the Suites are almost unplayable on the trombone. That may be true for trombonists who possess the technical abilities to ā€œplayā€ the some of the Suites, but even then, how much effort goes into managing the technical difficulties versus working on musical expression?

Contrast that with your offer of a simplified version of a Telemann Flute Fantasie, which might be much more useful. Could simplified arrangements of those pieces enable access to musical development for more trombonists than the Cello Suites? And, would it be possible to use the reductions as a way of build up to more advanced versions or even the originals? What other great works might be used in a similar manner? Such a resource would be something I might consider subscribing to, but then again, Iā€™m just one person with my own strange ideas.

Good luck to you!
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Re: Please help me improve my trombone site!

Post by greenjambone »

Nice job on the Wordpress site! I assume you'll be adding more content over time, so I won't comment on the currently available "e-books." While it's not a site I'd use (as I either buy paper books, transcribe, or borrow from friends), I can see it being a good resource for high school, college, or hungry young professionals looking to improve. The main issue I see you running into is that most folks l aready have their Etudes, Arbans, etc., so unless your subscription offers more/better/different exercises, etudes, whatever else, it's a hard sell.

The site looks nice, but the styling on the pages don't really match the home/landing page.

Nice work, and I hope it's successful for you!
- Joel Mikulyak ... e-spinner/

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