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Tweed trombone gig bag?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 8:06 pm
by jonphilpott

A while ago I bought an fullerton old's super at a music store in the bay area that i have forgotten the name of, and it came in this super cool tweed trombone gig bag, sort of like a reunion blues-style but less refined - for example the RB cases are square at one end and round on one end for the bell, this thing was just square - imagine, if you will, a block of velveeta cheese, with handles and big enough to hold a tenor trombone. Unfortunately, one day i was travelling back home from London on a train and i fell asleep i woke up just in time to see the doors closing at my stop and i ran off the train and stupidly left my horn on the train and never saw it again.

I have a new super and i would love to have that case again, but i've never seen another one, and it had no labels or distinguishing marks - do any of you know who might have made this cheesy wonder?

I made an illustration of what it looked like if it helps.

Re: Tweed trombone gig bag?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 8:43 pm
by Burgerbob
Cronkhite and Reunion Blues made the square bags. I have a couple that are double bags, but there are single ones as well.

Re: Tweed trombone gig bag?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 8:54 pm
by jonphilpott
i was looking at those, but i haven't seen a cheese one coloured one, and honestly this thing didn't feel like it had the same quality

Re: Tweed trombone gig bag?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 9:05 pm
by Burgerbob
As for the different colors, you've got me there!