Congratulations are in Order
Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 9:21 pm
I have just past the $10,000 amount for Fraudulent Checks and Money orders used to try to steal Trombones I have for sale. Same old scam , Heres $2900.00 FOR YOUR $1500 tROMBONE. Please remit remaining $1400 to courier when he picks up the Trombone. At first they said they would Pay by PayPal. After I gave them my address all of a sudden it has to be done by check. FWIW I was contacted through Craigs List( along with 2 other Scammers)
The Names this group used were Helen Manuel , Kodjo Kenneth at 552 Lytle Place Garden City MI 48135
I call the bank it is drawn on when a suspect check arrives as this. IT WAS FRAUDULENT/ COUNTERFEIT
The Names this group used were Helen Manuel , Kodjo Kenneth at 552 Lytle Place Garden City MI 48135
I call the bank it is drawn on when a suspect check arrives as this. IT WAS FRAUDULENT/ COUNTERFEIT