Did anyone get a chance to blow these at Midwest, and if so, does anyone have any impressions they'd like to share?
I saw some videos of players trying them out but they were quite loud (per usual at festivals...) and I couldn't really discern anything valuable from them. I'm a huge fan of the Schilke-Greenhoe large bore horns. I'll be interested to hear any thoughts about the small ones!
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:13 pm
by Rusty
Keith Hilson just put up a review
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 3:12 am
by Rusty
They offer a nickel silver bell option too, would be keen to hear how that would sound!
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:46 pm
by RJMason
Got to try both horns this past weekend. They are really wonderful instruments.
The closest analog I have to the yellow bell model is my old Minick .500, with a little more weight and heft. Articulations were more precise and the sound much more stable. In between a 6H and a Minick. Feels so solid.
Nickel silver horn pairs well with the gold brass slide. The trade off is less overtones for an even more immediate response, but the gold brass slide helps maintain the warmth. A wonderful pop horn section instrument. Like a connstellation but doesn’t get blatty if your crank it.
Both horns are so well made. Really impressive craftsmanship. Both horns come with two different leadpipes of different lengths. They are bespoke to the individual horn with serial #s on them, allowing the player to dial the feel in ala Yamaha 891Z. I tried them with a 7 size, 6.75c size, and NY Bach 5 small shank. All pieces worked well with both horns, so doesn’t seem too picky.
I’m a big fan…may order one, but can’t decide which right now! Schilke/Greenhoe has got the designs down and should really be considered by those desiring a modern boutique horn with sonic characteristics inspired by Conn and Bach. As a fan of the Conn 6H design, this is exciting stuff!!
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 4:05 pm
by Fridge
Doug Bert has one at his Brass Exchange. Just listened to him play, and we compared it against maybe 4 other horns a couple of days ago. It came in first. Terrific response. Really stunning looking.
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 6:39 am
by Rusty
Have either of you compared it to a Shires Marshall Gilkes horn, the other hot small bore on the market?
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 9:50 am
by RJMason
I have yet to try the Marshall Gilkes model. I’ve known Marshall since 2009 and reached out to him asking if the Conn 6H was an inspiration for his model. Seems there wasn’t a particular vintage model they based it off of. I believe the process to be many trips to the factory trying out parts, giving suggestions of what he wanted, they would fabricate new parts, trial and error, until he dialed in the exact instrument that works for him.
It appears that Alex Iles did the same, but was also inspired to consider the aspects of classic small bores he’s played over the years, namely the 6H design, and synthesizing those ideas with Greenhoe designs into something completely of its own.
The MG horn is 7.75 screwbell, the Greenhoe is 8 inch. I believe Brass Exchange incorrectly lists their horn as 7.75 inch, unless Doug was given a true 7.75 bell. The ones I tried were both 8inch. Only a .25 inch difference, but figured I’d give a note.
Both players who designed these horns are extremely versatile, pioneering, in symphonic as well as improvised musical worlds. An important distinction to make, since more and more trombonists have to cross into multiple worlds to make a living these days. If I get to try the MG I’ll post an update (very interested in the horn with the .525 F attachment). Exciting times for modern trombone production!
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 11:38 am
by BrassExchange
RJMason you are correct. The GC2 Yellow Brass bell is in fact 8", not 7.75". Thanks for pointing this out. I changed it on The Brass Exchange. Here is a link in case anyone is interested in seeing the street photo's and additional notes: https://www.thebrass-exchange.com/conte ... -new-stock
Eddie "Fridge" Clark came by last week and I demoed it for him vs. 3-4 other .500's that I like to play on, and it was not even close how much better this horn sounded. So, I took it out to a gig on Sunday for a real test and was blown away with how great it played in a big band. I was doing a lot of soloing. I did not take long to find the sweet spot. I was a very memorable afternoon, especially when Dave Weckl was in the house and sat in on drums for a few tunes... the whole thing was fantastic.
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:29 am
by RJMason
Just received a GC-2Y in the mail last night. Plays superbly. Talking 60s Conn 6H with a little King bite (slide crook is more 2B style) and a splash of Martin Urbie Green. I’m hooked! Definitely worth a consideration for fans of .500/8 inch horns.
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 12:51 pm
by Bleek
Hey. Would love to hear about your experiences after some time with this horn on gigs, recording etc. I just picked up a Shires Marshall Gilkes and this was the other option that I would have loved to have tried.
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 1:37 pm
by RJMason
Been using it a little over a week on a bunch of gigs. It’s hard for me to go back to my other horns after playing it so much. The sound is clear and pure and it slots really well. But I notice that when I start moving a lot of air through the instrument it clicks into another mode and let’s me bend and manipulate my phrasing without backing up. I get the feedback I need to hear myself in loud settings. The weight and balance of the horn is perfect for me.
When I play extremely loud the horn takes on an edginess that I am trying to work through. We’re talking amplified rock band volume in modern applications. Kind of takes on a 3B character in this regard, but less core. I feel like I want more density at that volume so I may experiment with leadpipes to dial it in. But for all other traditional applications, live and studio, the horn shines.
Never thought I’d find a modern horn that competes with the previous horns I’ve owned, but for me it plays and feels more balanced than a Minick, Williams, 50s 6H, and Lawler. There aren’t many quirks to the GC2-Y, it let’s you be you, but also doesn’t come off as sterile.
It’s not as flashy as other horns I’ve owned, but the ferrules and craftsmanship, leather case it comes with, looks and feels very classy and luxurious.
If anything changes I’ll post an update!
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:42 pm
by TromboneSam
RJMason wrote: ↑Thu Aug 18, 2022 1:37 pm
But I notice that when I start moving a lot of air through the instrument it clicks into another mode and let’s me bend and manipulate my phrasing without backing up.
Could you expand on this? Very curious. Saw your short vid the other day and you sounded great on it!
Also, would love some close-up shots of the ferrules/etc. if you have the time.
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 11:12 am
by RJMason
Thank you! Will try to explain. For me, a lot of small bore horns go either one of two ways.
They either slot really well, but don’t compute when I start bending and glissing. Or they let me play all over the horn but the slot isn’t strong enough so I have to really muscle the horn to bullseye it.
Sometimes small horns I’ve tried do both of these things well, but the sound of the horn usually changes. I’ve been looking for something that maintains a uniform, stable sound.
The Greenhoe seems to do all of these things well and maintain the same sound. It has a little resistance that brings it into focus and notes just pop out where I expect them to. So based on my experiences and the Greenhoe having such strong slots, I was expecting it to back up on me when I play very loud with smears and vocal phrasing. Instead the Greenhoe kind of just gets out of my way. Almost like the bigger, faster air column flips a switch and let’s me do my thing. It’s kind of abstract to explain but it’s a new exciting phenomenon for me.
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 12:52 am
by diminishedSeventh
This looks very interesting... I wonder if they would do a .508 at some point. The Nickel bell/gold brass slide piques my interest.
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:49 pm
by RJMason
Maybe if they sell well we could see more Greenhoe small bore options. Personally, I would love a 7.5 Bach style bell for certain kinds of work.
Of course if you’re willing to pay and wait several months they could make anything completely custom. But for me, I appreciate Greenhoe coming out with a well thought out fixed design instead of offering a buffet of options right out of the gate.
I tried the GC2-N and it is also great. Sound just instantly comes out of the horn. Super clear. Not too bright and doesn’t get brittle, but not as warm as the Y. At first I preferred it because of the immediate response. Felt a little easier to play. But over the course of my A B it felt like the GC2-Y had a little more versatility. I hope to get the Nickel model, eventually!
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 9:28 pm
by RJMason
Keith Hilson just posted a review of the GC2-N
I was unaffiliated when I posted my first impressions in August, but for transparency, I am now an official Greenhoe Artist. Time will tell if these horns hold up long term, but my GC2-Y continues to function well, excels in every setting I use it in, and is a joy to play!
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2023 6:24 am
by Trevorspaulding376
I’ve got a gc2-n on the way
Excited to see how it goes
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 11:01 pm
by timbone
wow Keith sounds great!
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2023 6:52 am
by Trevorspaulding376
First thoughts ,
I love the tonal quality / warmth / core of the nickel model with gold brass slide. Responds very quickly yet still has sone core and warmth, im a fan of gold brass slides like on the old 6h’s.
This horn really is on par with quality of any of the custom makers. For a stock out of the box option this is phenomenal.
Might need to go sell all my other horns so I can also get the traditional yellow brass set up
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:00 am
by RJMason
Still love my GC2-Y. Easily the best sound I’ve ever gotten out of a small bore trombone. The GC2-N is so great too!
I believe the GC2s will work best as originally designed for the vast majority of players, however…
I’m planning to get a nickel bell section to pair with my nickel slide. I tried the combination back in December and it will be perfect for some specialized pop and edm horn settings I’m finding myself in lately!
I believe Kenneth Tompkins has a GC2-Y with the gold brass slide instead of nickel? I tried this configuration as well and despite the close similarities in specs to the Conn 6H (to me) it played more like a small orchestral horn (or even a little bit like an old Bach w gold brass slide tubes) and less like the classic 6H I know and love.
The build is definitely on par with boutique horn makers such as Shires or Rath. While the 6H and 48H established a strong foundation in its design, this horn is something new and exciting!
Enjoy the horn!
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 6:30 am
by Trevorspaulding376
Absolutely , loving my GC2-N
Think I’m going to have to sell my custom shires , it’s that good.
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 1:53 pm
by jacobgarchik
who makes these cases? Seems kind of big for a case for a horn that is the size of a 6h. Those fit in the little SKB and similarly styled cases.
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 2:24 pm
by RJMason
The case may look awkward and big in pictures but in person it’s actually quite slim and fits the horn well along with a plunger mute, pixie mute, and tons of room under the bell (much more than a slim case) for mouthpieces, headphones, cleaning supplies, a microphone, etc . The straps work well and when properly snug the profile is hard to see on your back (great for avoiding gate agents while boarding). It fits in the overhead on smaller regional jets without issue. Don’t know about the .547 and bass versions though.
My only issue is the case doesn’t open flat on both ends so it can be tricky to get the horn out in a pinch but it isn’t a dealbreaker for me.
I’ve seen these cases offered by different makers and in different sizes. The one that comes with Greenhoe horns is very lightweight and protective. Honestly my new favorite case to match the horn.
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 4:14 pm
by Aznguyy
anyone have pictures of the case?
Re: Greenhoe Small Bore GC2
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:16 pm
by Posaunus
Aznguyy wrote: ↑Thu Feb 23, 2023 4:14 pm
anyone have pictures of the case?
I've had a GC2-Y for a couple of weeks. It's an absolutely incredible instrument, but it's not going to work out for me. I'm just not a modern horn kind of guy, I guess.
If anyone is interested, I'll sell at $3200 shipped to lower 48.
Brand new, flawless condition, and will be thoroughly cleaned.