Conn "Bone-Guard Protector Set"

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Conn "Bone-Guard Protector Set"

Post by stewbones43 »

I recently bought one of these sets and was a little surprised to find that it consisted of 2 clear plastic tubes, split lengthways, 1 about 24in long and the other about 8in long. I thought I would have got 2 long ones to protect both legs of the hand slide.
I fitted the long tube onto the upper tube of the hand slide of a large bore straight tenor and used the shorter tube as a neck guard on the same trombone. I enquired if they all only came with 1 long tube and when I was told that they all were the same, I ordered another set so that I could protect both slide legs. When the second one arrived the long tube was a different diameter and was too small for my large bore slide but fitted a small bore slide fine.
I asked John Packer's, my local shop and supplier of both sets of slide guards, to check about the different size tubes as they both came with the same part code (545)
I have just had a phone conversation with one of the brass specialists at Packer's who had received information from Conn-Selmer (UK) to say that the long tube is not to protect the slide but to be cut to assorted lengths to go on the bits of the hand grips to protect the lacquer and plating from acidic perspiration!

I wish they would have put some simple fitting instructions with the item.

Cheers Stewbones43

PS I might check the Conn-Selmer web site to see whether or not they are supplying B**l s**t these days.
Conn 36H(Pitched in D/A)
Reynolds Medalist
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Besson 10-10
Conn 74H
Yamaha YSL-641 with Yamaha Custom Slide
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