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Holton TR 180 (1968 vs 1974)

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 10:45 am
by jwalkerpga
What's your opinion of these two horns? I played a 68' in college. I can buy either right now but I don't know enough about the 74'. I know the bell size is 1/2" larger but that's all I know.


Re: Holton TR 180 (1968 vs 1974)

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 1:55 pm
by WGWTR180
I own several of these instruments. The 1968 models should have the 9 and 1/2 inch bell flare. They can be very good horns but may require a lot of work to get into top form. I love my 1968 version and have played it many places for quite a few years. I also have one from 1970 with the 10 inch(actually 9 & 7/8"). Plays great but not quite as well as the '68 version. The ones from '74 can be good too but you need to try before you buy. Past that vintage I would stay away. Most Holtons I have played I've needed to remove the original lead pipes. Removing the pipe can be problematic on those slides-if heated to much the slide WILL fall apart. Either way try before you buy!!!

Re: Holton TR 180 (1968 vs 1974)

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 8:08 am
by WGWTR180
So did you buy anything???

Re: Holton TR 180 (1968 vs 1974)

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 11:12 pm
by mikeroten
replying to this thread as a first post (trying to slowly rack 'em in) as I'm a fellow 1968 TR180 owner for quite a few years and I cannot imagine playing anything else. #457380, with a serial of #1 on the slide; apparently my horn was custom ordered.