Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Post by Bach5G »

In the Great White North, that is. It’s celebrated a little differently up here. Turkey, (the meal, not the country massacring America’s former friends and allies on CNN) of course. Get together with your family, assuming you’re speaking. Get the snow tires out (although a bit too late in MB!) of the shed. No sales.

I voted in the advance poll yesterday. There’s a federal election on the 21st. Got to say, the current batch of party leaders are a pretty likeable bunch. Justin’s main accomplishment in his 4 years in office seems to be legalizing marijuana. Wouldn’t mind sitting down with him at 24 Sussex, lighting up a fatty, and watching the hockey game. I’m pretty sure Elizabeth May would be more than happy to join us. We could probably come up with some dandy climate change policy between periods. Jagmeet is new but will, I think, keep his job if the NDP loses, which, depending on your definition if “lose”, he will. Nice fellow and I’ve warmed up to him over the campaign. As for Sneer, well, it turns out he is an American (dual citizenship). He probably voted Trump in the last election and will again if Donald manages to stay out of jail in 2020. I hear Barr’s new DoJ policy states that a sitting president can’t be incarcerated. Then there’s M. Blanchet, the Bloc leader, who might represent a resurgence of Quebec sovereignty, according to the press. There’s also a chap, Maxime Bernier, of whom the less said the better.

The prediction is a minority parliament. Not a bad result usually, as it generally means that no one can do anything stupid. We have that to be thankful for, although I think we could also use a couple of pipelines and shouldn’t Miss Thunberg be in school?
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

Post by Posaunus »

Happy Thanksgiving to Rod and our other friends to the north.

Thanks for the update on Canadian politics. Sounds a whole lot less hectic than in the U.S. (Or U.K.) :shuffle:

We'll celebrate Thanksgiving down here (sans snow tires, I hope) in 6 weeks.

Still speaking to my friends. But not sure they're all listening to me! :idk:
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