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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:36 am
by ttf_RedHotMama
Quote from: Chris Fidler on Jan 23, 2008, 01:30AMMama may i suggest listening...........
I just listened again.
Nick, the reasons for my dislike of that style of playing are quite simple. It isn't just "crusty" prejudice. That style of playing appears (at least to me) to be all about skill and articulation on the instrument, but nothing about playing any kind of melody. Excellent for trombone players or technicians who are impressed by such things (which actually include myself), but containing nothing at all for an ear seeking a tune, or a message, with which to connect. However, mainly, and to me the most serious sin (excuse me, but there is no other way to put this), is that it has (just in my own opinion, of course) absolutely zero balls.
More YouTube Trombonists
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:00 am
by ttf_ctingle
If this has no balls, please reserve my spot in line for the next castration!! (I'm editing all of the married-with-children jokes that would normally go here....)
Mama, how about doing what many of us do when we come across playing outside our own areas of musical enthusiasm.... lay out!
We get the fact that you don't dig anything from the JJ, Curtis, Slide school of about letting the conversation proceed among those who do in fact get it and dig it? This is arguably one of the finest young "post-bop" players to come up in/around NYC in some time, and you're blindly dismissing his playing based on what? He plays too fast?
(While I'm not comparing MDease to the following iconic figures....

Do you ever listen to Charlie Parker play up tempo? Phil Woods? Dizzy Gillespie? James Moody? Most any bebop pianist of note? Do their eighth note and sixteenth note lines leave you with a desire for more cajones? How about when Nels H.O. Pedersen lays down some of the clearest, well defined bebop lines on any instrument, let alone the bass?
Please go back to the threads that deal with Miff, Teagarden, and the rest in your beloved, and seemingly only, camp of choice....they're great, but they would also dig what Dease is doing for so many, many reasons.
Back to discussion of trombonists in jazz in the 21st century......
Quote from: RedHotMama on Jan 23, 2008, 02:36AM
I just listened again.
Nick, the reasons for my dislike of that style of playing are quite simple. It isn't just "crusty" prejudice. That style of playing appears (at least to me) to be all about skill and articulation on the instrument, but nothing about playing any kind of melody. Excellent for trombone players or technicians who are impressed by such things (which actually include myself), but containing nothing at all for an ear seeking a tune, or a message, with which to connect. However, mainly, and to me the most serious sin (excuse me, but there is no other way to put this), is that it has (just in my own opinion, of course) absolutely zero balls.
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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:45 am
by ttf_zemry
Quote from: RedHotMama on Jan 23, 2008, 02:36AM However, mainly, and to me the most serious sin (excuse me, but there is no other way to put this), is that it has (just in my own opinion, of course) absolutely zero balls.
Are you aware that he is a member of this forum and posts here on occasion? He's been a member since 2004!;u=5706
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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:55 am
by ttf_josh roseman
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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:38 am
by ttf_zemry
I don't like Shakespeare but I would not say that his writings have no literary content. That would be a bad reflection upon me. I don't like opera but I believe that it has musical content.
The fact that you dislike something doesn't mean that it has no musical content. It may only mean that you are unable to discern the musical content. In which case, you are blaming the artist for your lack of perception.
Dease is a young professional musician making a living as a trombonist in New Yawk City........that is pretty damned impressive in my book.
He's only being playing about 7-8 years.....that is even more impressive. He has more talent that you and I combined. Trust me, he does.
I give him props! I'll never be as good as he is but he inspires me to practice and to listen.
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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:05 am
by ttf_josh roseman
That's pretty crude and offensive.
and uncalled for, particularly in the case of someone like Mike, who's an extraordinarily accomplished musician.
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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:24 am
by ttf_BFW
I recently found this clip of Wim Becu and others playing Frescobaldi's "Canzon La Lanciona." Good stuff!
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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:51 am
by ttf_Paul Martin
Quote from: ctingle on Jan 23, 2008, 04:00AMPlease go back to the threads that deal with Miff, Teagarden, and the rest in your beloved, and seemingly only, camp of choice....
RHM doesn't even like Teagarden, who was about as big a melody guy as there was! Some of his improvised melodies were so much better than the original, you almost can't play the original without hearing his vastly superior, improvised melody.
Not high and fiddly, but apparently deficient in some other manner...
You don't have to love something to see the music in it... Bach does nothing for me, and yet I can appreciate the creativity within the confines of a very discliplined style, and its abstract, mathematical qualities. Very musical, just not my cup of tea...
I never liked Dizzy Gillespie as a trumpet player, but appreciate what he did as an innovator, but always loved Clifford Brown, and Clark Terry especially, and anything Bird ever did...
I place a great deal of weight on whether someone's playing is "all about themselves," or seems to be an attempt to grapple and come to terms with something more universal, a very, very subjective standard, I must admit. There are players out there where their playing comes across as extremely egocentric, and indulgent, and therefore uninteresting, but again, it is always possible (and for extremely hyper-technical playing, very likely) that I simply don't understand what the player is doing.
No amount of explanation can make you like music on a "gut" level, the level on which it best operates. As "Gus" Mahler once put it, if you could express it in words, what would you need music for?
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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:55 am
by ttf_ctingle
This is a vastly different line of argument and rhetoric. Let's just leave it alone and let her defend her own words, ok?
Quote from: Paul Martin on Jan 23, 2008, 06:51AM
RHM doesn't even like Teagarden, who was about as big a melody guy as there was! Some of his improvised melodies were so much better than the original, you almost can't play the original without hearing his vastly superior, improvised melody.
Not high and fiddly, but apparently deficient in some other manner...
You don't have to love something to see the music in it... Bach does nothing for me, and yet I can appreciate the creativity within the confines of a very discliplined style, and its abstract, mathematical qualities. Very musical, just not my cup of tea...
I never liked Dizzy Gillespie as a trumpet player, but appreciate what he did as an innovator, but always loved Clifford Brown, and Clark Terry especially, and anything Bird ever did...
I place a great deal of weight on whether someone's playing is "all about themselves," or seems to be an attempt to grapple and come to terms with something more universal, a very, very subjective standard, I must admit. There are players out there where their playing comes across as extremely egocentric, and indulgent, and therefore uninteresting, but again, it is always possible (and for extremely hyper-technical playing, very likely) that I simply don't understand what the player is doing.
No amount of explanation can make you like music on a "gut" level, the level on which it best operates. As "Gus" Mahler once put it, if you could express it in words, what would you need music for?
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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:57 am
by ttf_RedHotMama
I apologise for my comments. I won't post in this topic again.
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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:00 am
by ttf_ntap
Can I just say DAMN! at this Dease clip...I'm watching it again...The intro to Wee Dot is insanely tight, that dim. pattern he uses at about 1:12 is so tight. I like that he can employ going 'out' or whatever you want to call it very melodically and...his playing is f-ing great.
RHM, I'm not going to yell at you, just say that I totally, utterly disagree with everything you said about Dease's playing.
You've probably already found this one...^
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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:05 am
by ttf_ntap
Wheel within a Wheel.
This is a clip from 1980 when Robin Eubanks was with the Jazz Messengers with Wynton Marsalis, Bobby Watson and others. Hopefully this isn't a repost.
How old was he in 1980? Totally kills, an amazing solo.
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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:25 am
by ttf_anonymous
Quote from: RedHotMama on Jan 23, 2008, 08:57AMI apologise for my comments. I won't post in this topic again.
You really have no need to apologize.
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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:03 pm
by ttf_BGuttman
I don't see that sound as euphonium on a stick. Its a large bore sound I'm guessing. And a good one. Seems like the large bore sounds are an extension of the darker sound that J.J. brought in. If thats how it needs to be achieved more power to them. Large bore, small bore who cares? Theres a lot trombonists making some music out there. Just listen and enjoy.
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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:07 pm
by ttf_Koz
Quote from: David A Bratcher on Jan 23, 2008, 03:03PMI don't see that sound as euphonium on a stick. Its a large bore sound I'm guessing. And a good one. Seems like the large bore sounds are an extension of the darker sound that J.J. brought in. If thats how it needs to be achieved more power to them. Large bore, small bore who cares? Theres a lot trombonists making some music out there. Just listen and enjoy.
Never heard JJ sound this way!
JJ always had a clarity to his sound.
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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:01 pm
by ttf_David A Bratcher
Quote from: Koz on Jan 23, 2008, 04:07PMNever heard JJ sound this way!
JJ always had a clarity to his sound - not a woofiness.
I listened!
Yes J.J. had great clarity and I have listened as well. All his albums and I got to see him live. And I did say it was an extension of that. Its not an original idea on my part but I do believe that sound has informed a lot of guys that play larger equipment. They have that sound in their head and the way they can express it is to play larger equipment. I often wonder if the equipment argument is a generational thing. I am 44 and when I was in college we all had 88H's and 42B's. No one had a small bore anything. And that is not a criticism but an observation. More guys should have had smaller equipment for some things but thats the way it was for me at my particular school. And that seemed to be more of the trend then.
I don't hear a woofiness but a clear and focused large bore sound. I also noticed a picture of J.J. behind Michael Dease' head. Maybe a clue to an influence?
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Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:15 pm
by ttf_MDease
Wowers ... (Inspector Gadget, anyone?)
I appreciate all of the comments here. I find them ALL highly informative. DG knows me some, and he can tell you that I'm pretty hard on myself. I could look at that YouTube clip and give you 100 things wrong with it... then another 100 things I'd like to do differently. Christine's comment and Koz's observation are, at the very worst (in my opinion, and as it pertains to my performance) constructive criticism. It's tricky to state facts about subjective ideas like music and content, which is not what Christine did at all. The only person that can factualize me is my Mama.
The first thing I did after reading this thread was dig for my recordings featuring Miff Mole, then I put on some early Basie with Dicky Wells and company. It is beautiful that Christine is so moved by her tastes. The "hot" jazz really reached her, the way all of us as artists want to reach listeners and communicate. I dig it too- and playing that music with sincerity and style is harder than a- well, you know. I've always envied Earth Wind and Fire's horn section- I can't imagine the feeling they much have looking out from the stage and seeing an ocean of listeners swaying and vibing to the music they are helping to create. I was fortunate to do some work with James Brown in 2000, and I got a taste of that feeling. It's like vanilla frosting.
There is such a lineage on the trombone in jazz! It messes me up when I hear Fred Beckett (the little that is recorded) with Harlan Leonard, or Tommy Dorsey, Kid Ory and how he adds to whatever ensemble he graces, Raul De Souza is another one. Today's players are no different- John Allred, Elliot Mason, Josh and Dave - equally unique and accomplished- it trips me out. When I'm lucky enough to get some honest feedback (the unbiased kind is really hard to find), I want to learn as much as I can from it, so I can up my awareness and get more informed. Forums such as these can really get a brotha hip. And it gives people a chance to learn how to express themselves on sensitive subjects via typing. Nice opportunity for exchange.
Dave Gibson is, and will always be one of my musical heroes. I transcribed his album (Maya) 2 years ago, and it has had a BIG influence on me. (here comes the joke)I think it's great that I can excerpt a piece of his earlier post as a press quote.
"...what Mike achieved here could be done by any trained chimp."
-David Gibson-
Gotta get back to the horn... I just looked at the record photo of JJ on the wall, and I think it may have frowned at me.
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Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:01 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Quote from: MDease on Jan 24, 2008, 04:15PM
Dave Gibson is, and will always be one of my musical heroes. I transcribed his album (Maya) 2 years ago, and it has had a BIG influence on me. (here comes the joke)I think it's great that I can excerpt a piece of his earlier post as a press quote.
"...what Mike achieved here could be done by any trained chimp."
-David Gibson-
Gotta get back to the horn... I just looked at the record photo of JJ on the wall, and I think it may have frowned at me.
I guess it's appropriate that you take a quote of mine and use it out of context before the press has the opportunity. How about the next line in the post?
MD, don't listen to too much of this sh#%. An old line about opinions is coming to me. I think it's unfortunate that a forum created to celebrate everything trombone can frequently turn into Piñata play. While we're busy throwing out unconstructive criticism, the rest of the world doesn't care. They don't even know we exist....and they probably won't. I'm not suggesting that we reduce the passion of our beliefs, but that we stop attacking the beliefs of others. Even in examining the small criteria of jazz, I find it beautifully fascinating that there is room for both Miles Davis and Woody Shaw. There is room for Stan Getz and John Coltrane....and has anyone one seen the clip of them playing together? There is room for Frank Rosolino and Curtis fact, they were friends and admirers of one another dating back to their Detroit days.
Are we capable of having a preference without discounting the value of everything else? I know that the world is a rough place and that people have expectations and if you don't meet them that you won't be successful in those situations. I know that rejection is an important part of life. But, I have always thought of this place as a sanctuary for those of us who care about music played on a trombone. Where there is music played on a trombone, whether I like the music or not, the world is better for all of us. If someone is hearing a trombone, they are probably saying, "what is that?"....But, if they see and hear one enough times, they might begin to say, "I don't know if I like that thing.".....But, when they go to book a band for a party or club or some other kind of affair, another trombone player might get some work since that person will expect a trombone to be a part of a band.
I'm not trying to go "We Are the World" on everyone, but it's really tiring to see the tribal wars that go on in this place. I think MD plays his behind off. I have much admiration for the dedication that everyone here has given to music on a trombone and am positive that any of the outspoken members of this forum would have my respect when they might be speaking through their horns. I give that respect freely and generously. I think it's worth it to everyone here to be more careful with our criticisms. I have been privileged to spend copious amounts of time with legendary figures in jazz. They have shared numerous stories with me about how jazz icon "x" was so hurt by the writing of critic "Y" that it nearly brought him to tears. I'm referring to musicians that are almost universally accepted as the most creative in the music's history.
RHM, I would never assert that you should like MD's playing. I'm just saying that you are likely educated enough to recognize all that it contains, as well as the elements that are missing for you.
I should watch MD's clip again so I'll be inspired to continue practicing.
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Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:13 pm
by ttf_ctingle
Beautifully said, both of you!!
Are you sure you both actually live in that place called NYC, with all of its hard, edgy, nasty attitude and vibes that we've all either heard about or experienced? Maybe you're commuting in from some peaceful place like the Bahamas, or....?
MD, your Clarity and Dease Bones CD's are in high rotation around here for my students and me. If you want to hear some inspiring stuff - anyone - please check out these recordings.
DG, you know how I feel about you, my brudda.

My daughters just chose the face here. Whenever they see the yellow smiley faces, they have to join the trombone forum chat. How's that for keeping the family involved in all aspects of my life??
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Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:10 am
by ttf_anonymous
Excelent and very enlightening discussions, bruddas and sistas. It is also telling that it's hard to express ones 3D opinions in a 1D world like the printed word. Since there's no facial expression, no timbral indication the black typeface on the white paper indicate no shades of grey. One has to be a master-magician like DJ to get all the colors and 3D effects into the printed world

RHM, DG, MD, CT, JR keep it coming - we get better at expressing ourselves and at 'reading between the lines' by doing.
Do I hear the bell for the next round?
More YouTube Trombonists
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:51 am
by ttf_RedHotMama
I know I said I wouldn't post in this topic again, but I gotta.
Mr. Dease, you are a complete gentleman. You have been much kinder to me than I deserve and I wholeheartedly apologise to you for my comments. My own lack of understanding of a particular playing style is my own loss, and anyway is no excuse for rudeness or a reason to criticise another player. I don't want to sound too sycophantic at this stage, but I really do admire the sheer skill involved in playing in such a way, evidence of many years of work, practice and research, whilst I'm still honking around at the bottom, having given up far too soon on practising and learning.
Yes, I like 20s jazz, but even that contains an enormous amount of variation. Kid Ory and Miff Mole seem, to me, to be light-years apart. Well, light-days anyway. I can play a bit like Ory, but nothing whatsoever like Mole. I like Mole's playing, but am not too keen on Ory's. More work required! *sigh*
I'm most certainly going to listen to you again, as DG recommends, to try to progress with my own education of how to play this damn instrument.
I'm sure JJ isn't *really* frowning at you....
But if he is, I'll give him a smack!
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Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:40 am
by ttf_anonymous
- and the level of sympathetic communication continues. Brava Mama! And you are right Mr. Dease IS a gentleman, obvious from his posting.
Not only do we learn from each other about trombonistics and thoughts therabouts, but also about human interaction, the diversity of opinions and the common love of our chosen instrument.
I enjoy following the exchanges in this (and other) topic(s).
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Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:59 am
by ttf_zemry
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Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 6:33 am
by ttf_BFW
Lost in the hubbub:
Quote from: BFW on Jan 23, 2008, 06:24AMI recently found this clip of Wim Becu and others playing Frescobaldi's "Canzon La Lanciona." Good stuff!
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Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 6:36 am
by ttf_Paul Martin
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Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 6:41 am
by ttf_Brisko
I watched it the first time, Brian. I can dig it. One thing I found fascinating, is that while the sound, attacks, etc. of the sacbut are quite distinct from the modern trombone, the blend they achieved on the long notes was quite familiar sounding. You know, that sound when three trombones (or, in the case, sacbuts) really lock in on a closed position triad.
But then, I tend to like most everything I've seen/heard here.
My tent is big enough for Ory and Dease, JJ and Miff, Frescobaldi and Bird.
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Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:31 am
by ttf_anonymous
Quote from: RedHotMama on Jan 25, 2008, 02:51AMI know I said I wouldn't post in this topic again, but I gotta.
Mr. Dease, you are a complete gentleman. You have been much kinder to me than I deserve and I wholeheartedly apologise to you for my comments. My own lack of understanding of a particular playing style is my own loss, and anyway is no excuse for rudeness or a reason to criticise another player. I don't want to sound too sycophantic at this stage, but I really do admire the sheer skill involved in playing in such a way, evidence of many years of work, practice and research, whilst I'm still honking around at the bottom, having given up far too soon on practising and learning.
Yes, I like 20s jazz, but even that contains an enormous amount of variation. Kid Ory and Miff Mole seem, to me, to be light-years apart. Well, light-days anyway. I can play a bit like Ory, but nothing whatsoever like Mole. I like Mole's playing, but am not too keen on Ory's. More work required! *sigh*
I'm most certainly going to listen to you again, as DG recommends, to try to progress with my own education of how to play this damn instrument.
I'm sure JJ isn't *really* frowning at you....
But if he is, I'll give him a smack!
Wonderful. I realize that you certainly don't require my approval, but I think what you just posted is wonderful.
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Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:33 am
by ttf_RedHotMama
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Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:40 am
by ttf_Dave Tatro
Wow, I had gotten very behind on this thread. I gotta say, this is one for the books. The stuff posted here lately has been OUTSTANDING. It's wildly exciting to think of such a diversity of GREAT, SUPERB trombone playing out there, in all its idioms.
Wycliff w/ Mnonzil- I'm speechless. It's not that often that one gets to hear such a FANTASTIC display of extemporaneous group improvization.
The young man from Tallahassee (sorry, forgot your name)
with his brass quintet- Awesome dude! I did miss the patented Gene Watts trill toward the beginning.

And that sure looked like Opperman Music Hall to me. Yes?
LX- You are the current master of unaccompanied, swinging, rocking, multiphonic, multi-layered, multi-textured interpretations of standards! Please visit Florida!
Mike Dease- You da man. GREAT PLAYING. And I say that as one who generally is not into the big-bore, ultra-cool, ultra-clean, ultra-fast thing as a listener. Nice ideas, and even nicer technique. I saw this clip sometime in the past and have even emailed it to my students because I thought it was an absolute clinic in slide technique.
Walt, nice job with your big band. I don't know about you, but I sure have a hard time getting motivated by Christmas tune changes!
Erling, good playing as well. Wonderfully simple, soulful stuff!
And I loved the Robin Eubanks clip w/ Art Blakey. What a sound!
Whew! I think that's everybody.
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Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 12:53 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Yeah, Dave - sheeeeet happens - don't it?
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Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:21 pm
by ttf_Dave Tatro
Yep, lotsa good sheeeeet.
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Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:03 pm
by ttf_Tboneglazer
Quote from: Dave Tatro on Jan 25, 2008, 11:40AMThe young man from Tallahassee (sorry, forgot your name)
with his brass quintet- Awesome dude! I did miss the patented Gene Watts trill toward the beginning.

And that sure looked like Opperman Music Hall to me. Yes?
Yes, that was Opperman Hall. I love that hall. It's not too big that your sound gets eaten up but small enough that the sound fills up the room with relative ease.
And thanks for you comment!
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Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:15 am
by ttf_Dave Tatro
Quote from: AppletheJack on Jan 26, 2008, 09:03PM
Yes, that was Opperman Hall. I love that hall. It's not too big that your sound gets eaten up but small enough that the sound fills up the room with relative ease.
And thanks for you comment!
Your welcome. I loved to play and listen in Opperman Hall too when I was there. I miss it, although I do get to play in some fantastic halls around here too. Still, Opperman Hall is the only place I ever played (tried to play?) Bluegrass on the trombone...
BTW- your clip inspired me to grab a horn and rip through that whole solo. I'd forgotten how much fun it is to play and I had a blast!
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Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:48 pm
by ttf_Graham Martin
Love this version of Tyree Glenn's "Sultry Serenade" played by Delfeayo Marsalis - preceded by the story of how he came to be the trombonist in the family:
That is one very jazzy family!
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Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:51 am
by ttf_marty nichols
Amen! He really is an example of a player who makes it look incredibly "easy."
Quote from: Graham Martin on Mar 25, 2008, 11:48PMLove this version of Tyree Glenn's "Sultry Serenade" played by Delfeayo Marsalis - preceded by the story of how he came to be the trombonist in the family:
That is one very jazzy family!
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Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:42 am
by ttf_ntap
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Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:57 am
by ttf_MDease
Hey all-
I was playing at NYC's Garage last monday night, and the next day I had this video clip in my inbox. I thought I could let loose a little and get away with it, but alas, everything is recorded nowadays.
This tune eventually became a tenor battle, so I tried to get my bit in before the saxes got going.
Mike Dease
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Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:15 am
by ttf_anonymous
Mike, wow!
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Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:07 pm
by ttf_Bonefide
You know Mr. Dease, I think you still got away with it...

At the very least, I'm not objecting!
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Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:55 pm
by ttf_ctingle
Go Mike!!
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Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:48 pm
by ttf_ParLawGod
This is "The Acrobat" - sounds like a fun little solo. I especially like the ending
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Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 1:26 am
by ttf_anonymous
Here is a new previously unreleased video from my cd Robin Eubanks and EB3, Live Vol.1 This piece is called Indo.
I just had my webmaster put it up online today.
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Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 2:04 pm
by ttf_Dan H.
Quote from: reubanks on Mar 29, 2008, 01:26AMHere is a new previously unreleased video from my cd Robin Eubanks and EB3, Live Vol.1 This piece is called Indo.
I just had my webmaster put it up online today.
Great stuff! Props to the drummer too - or should I say drummer/keyboardist!
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Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:27 am
by ttf_anonymous
Quote from: MDease on Mar 26, 2008, 09:57AMHey all-
I was playing at NYC's Garage last monday night, and the next day I had this video clip in my inbox. I thought I could let loose a little and get away with it, but alas, everything is recorded nowadays.
This tune eventually became a tenor battle, so I tried to get my bit in before the saxes got going.
Mike Dease
Mr. Dease,I just saw this clip and I think this was insanely awesome!
Props to you.
Sadly,the fact that it became just another tenor battle makes this hard to stomach.
I think that a lot of us who play along with other horns get pushed aside,and we don't get to really show off what we can do out there.
I've read a lot of the comments and negative stuff about how we don't get respect,especially those of us who do have the chops to not only play alongside the saxes and trumpets,but kick their a** out there doing it right alongside. (And I'm starting to get there myself!)
I only wish that you had gotten a chance to go back out there and open up a can of whoop-a** with those guys!
Ditto for the others who have the chops-and the b***s-to more than hang with the other folks!
We need to show we are just as aggressive as everyone else,and not get stuck in the background!
STILL wowing over that solo....
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Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:09 am
by ttf_anonymous
Came across this one;
Really cool performance imo
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Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:49 am
by ttf_marty nichols
Yeah Mike---- you "stretched out"on that one man! Congrats on being a real workman at your trade.
Quote from: janettem on Mar 31, 2008, 09:27AMMr. Dease,I just saw this clip and I think this was insanely awesome!
Props to you.
Sadly,the fact that it became just another tenor battle makes this hard to stomach.
I think that a lot of us who play along with other horns get pushed aside,and we don't get to really show off what we can do out there.
I've read a lot of the comments and negative stuff about how we don't get respect,especially those of us who do have the chops to not only play alongside the saxes and trumpets,but kick their a** out there doing it right alongside. (And I'm starting to get there myself!)
I only wish that you had gotten a chance to go back out there and open up a can of whoop-a** with those guys!
Ditto for the others who have the chops-and the b***s-to more than hang with the other folks!
We need to show we are just as aggressive as everyone else,and not get stuck in the background!
STILL wowing over that solo....
More YouTube Trombonists
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:54 am
by ttf_marty nichols
Quote from: pkeijsers on Mar 31, 2008, 10:09AMCame across this one;
Really cool performance imo
For my information please: what does "imbed" mean (in comments)?
More YouTube Trombonists
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:01 am
by ttf_bobilleg74
Dunno if anyone has posted this yet, but how about the British trombonist, Elliot Mason now living in NYC? In my opinion, the most progressive jazz trombonist in the world today.
More YouTube Trombonists
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:48 am
by ttf_anonymous
Quote from: marty nichols on Apr 01, 2008, 01:54AMOutstanding!
For my information please: what does "imbed" mean (in comments)?
Do you mean embeddding? I can't find imbed.. However, embedding is the possibility to include a youtube video on your own website. Is this what you meant?
More YouTube Trombonists
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:50 am
by ttf_paul1662
just found this video of the New Trombone Collective.
got to get a CD of them.
very nice piece.