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New Forum Members!
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 10:23 pm
by ttf_Another Dave
Hello Everybody,
My name is Dave Lohman and I turned in my school rental when I left high school. That was 33 years ago. I had the same band director, Mike McNallen, from the 5th through 12 grade and he was a trombone player too.
I never meant to be away this long.
Anyway I rented a trombone about 10 days ago and it's kind of like falling in love again. (shhhh don't tell my wife!!) My son has been playing bassoon for about 3 years and after chaperoning his youth orchestra retreat last fall, this desire to get back just kept growing and growing and here I am.
Thank you all for the informative dialogue I've found here. As I research different instruments, find answers to technical questions that come up, I keep finding myself getting sidetracked in here!!
New Forum Members!
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:04 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Welcome Dave! It's like you never left.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:48 am
by ttf_David Schwartz
Quote from: Another DaveMy name is Dave Lohman and I turned in my school rental when I left high school. That was 33 years ago. I had the same band director, Mike McNallen, from the 5th through 12 grade and he was a trombone player too.
My own public school band directors were trombone players and great influences.
QuoteMy son has been playing bassoon for about 3 years and after chaperoning his youth orchestra retreat last fall, this desire to get back just kept growing and growing and here I am.A neighbor of mine took up cello as an adult about the time his kid started playing in the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra. Good idea.
Welcome back!
An Other Dave.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:17 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Hello! I just joined the forum. I'm looking forward to posting and reading.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:58 pm
by ttf_RedHotMama
Welcome to all you new members.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:48 pm
by ttf_anonymous
hey everyone, my name is ian mckeown, and i'm a first year university student. i'm about to embark on a plan for next year that involves one year of as much trombone playing in the community as i can handle, and then it's off to one of the more recognized music universities around my area (southern ontario, canada).
so, i figured this place would be a good step towards the possible devotion of my career to the trombone. sounds crazier when you read it.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 4:11 am
by ttf_MikeBassBone
This is awesome, I shipped off to basic training, and when I got to the Army School of Music, I found out the OTJ forum disappeared. But I guess I found it again, I am surprised I remembered my password. So I suppose I am not new member but it has been a while since I have been here.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:49 am
by ttf_Russ White
Well, since Greg gave me such a nice intro and lead-in, I guess I need to make it official and introduce myself. Greg and I did indeed attend the same high school, and I can proudly say that I was one of the first trombone players he blew past on his way to what has obviously been a long and distinguished career. Congratulations and Kudos to Greg. After high school I did a couple of years at a community college, and then 2 semesters at NTSU before going on the road to "learn what being a musician was really about". Oh yeah, the arrogance of youth. After about 4 years as an incredibly mediocre trombonist, I realized that if I was ever to be a good trombonist I needed to spend an awful lot of time in the woodshed, not on the road. Returned home with the intent of joining the fire service because it provided a job that made a contribution, and allowed significant free time to pursue the horn without the pressure of having to pay the bills with it. Then I met my wife, and all of that free time I thought I was going to have went right out the window.
It's now 25 years later, I'll be retired at the end of May, and now I really will have that free time to return to the horn. I've scoped out a couple of community college jazz bands to play with, have found excellent insructors for both the horn and jazz vocabulary, and am looking forward to jumping back into my music with both feet. My interests are in the jazz arena, mostly big band and trombone ensembles. I'm trying to decide whether I prefer my dual bore Olds Recording or my straight bore 3B, and I picked up a very old large bore King ( eqivalent to a 4B, but so old it doesn't have a slide lock)because the new guy in the community college band gets the bottom parts.
Love this forum, and didn't find this post 'til now because I was having fun in other areas. Glad to be aboard. - Russ White
New Forum Members!
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:55 pm
by ttf_RedHotMama
Welcome, Ian and Russ, and welcome back Mike.
Welcome, too, to all those new members who haven't yet posted. Please don't be shy!
New Forum Members!
Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:52 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Well I've been on trombone forum for a while, but never really did anythin on it. So....
I'm Diego, i'm a freshman at Clinton High school, our bands pretty good lol
I'm lookin for a 3047af getzen trombone, so if yall know of any good prices, please let me know.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 6:54 am
by ttf_BGuttman
Hi Diego, and welcome!
Is there any particular reason for a Getzen 3047AF? There are an awful lot of very good trombones out there from other makers. Why not try some of them? Conn 88H, Bach 42 (T, A, or B), Yamaha Xeno (882) or 682, and many more. Also, if you aren't used to one, try a conventional rotor in addition to the Axial (Thayer). Not everybody plays the Thayer and you may find the regular rotor feels better.
You might want to check out our resident dealers at (SFTrombone and Slipmo), (Steve Dillon), ACMETrombones (BACHorndoctor), and DJ Kennedy. You will probably get the best price for anything from one of them, and it will be properly prepared prior to shipping (as opposed to the "big box" guys like WW&BW or Giardinelli).
New Forum Members!
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 8:31 am
by ttf_chs2010
Yeah, I played on a 3047af a few weeks ago. But the only problem is money is looow for me right now, so I'm not planning on buying one of those til my late junior and senior year of high school. But man I did like the bachLT42b but just, the way they've made them since the strike, I dont want to waste my money on an instrument that's not up to their usual quality. I'm going to loook for a used one, that's in pretty good condition...
New Forum Members!
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:27 am
by ttf_anonymous
My name is Kaspar, seriouslly it is. I live in the Suburbs of chicago
Im graduating middle school this yr, and all through it Ive been playing the Trombone(A little more than 3 yrs)
I love it, alot. Im in our school top jazz band, playing lead trombone. I love soloing, and Ive won multiple awards doing it. I also play in the school band, also first chair. In my opinion though Jazz Band > Regular Band.
When I started in the summer of 5th grade, I had a Bach Student Trombone(Beginner). I played that until the beginning of 8th grade. Then I got a Yamaha Alegro F Trigger(Intermediate). Anwway, all my teachers and stuff were telling me I should upgrade for highschool, so yestoday there was a big sale at the music store(Quilan and Fabish) and I got myself a Bach Strad. Windy City(42BO) with a Bach 6 1/2 AL Mouthpiece.
Thats me
Now its the end of 8th grade and
New Forum Members!
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:41 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Hello everybody, my name is Matt, and Ive been playing the trombone for about 10 years (minus a break of about a year). I started playing in elementary school and kept with it all the way through High School. I actually started a degree in music education before realizing that a career in music really wasnt for me. So, I transferred to a school closer to home, changed my major, and took a break from the trombone. I actually just started playing again about 2 months ago and am enjoying it now more than ever. I look forward to posting on and learning from this forum in the future.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:08 pm
by ttf_RedHotMama
Hello Matt and Kaspar, and hello to any new members who haven't posted in this topic (and particularly, to those who haven't yet posted at all!).
Welcome, and we look forward to future interactions. Once again, please don't be shy.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 3:33 am
by ttf_Wild Bill
Hello and have a good day or night or whatever you now have on your side of Earth
I am from the Czech Republic and I attend...well something like comprehensive school - the final grade. Music is my long-pursued hobby - I play the piano and the trombone. Although I am in IIIrd grade of the 2nd level in piano class (that is 10 years), I think my piano skills are inferior.
4 years ago I was suggested that I try playing the trombone, because the dance orchestra I play in had none. I must say I like it more than a piano, mainly because of the tone - it is said that the trombone's sound is closest to human voice. So now I play mostly swing in the orchestra (actually a big band playing music for dancing
) and I'm trying to improve my skills so I can handle the 1st trombone part properly (at the moment our leader writes the scores according to our capabilities). And one day I will play the Little Brown Jug solo as Glenn Miller played it!
I have quite old trombone, but still good (enough for me) - it is an Amati Kraslice hybrid
The slide part is Yamaha (probably a piece that did not fulfill their standards, it is rumoured that Yamaha sends those to Amati
) and the bell part is of German origin. My first mouthpiece was Yamaha 48, large and comfortable, but recently I have bought Vincent Bach 15 - it suits me better as I have to play higher and higher in the orchestra and the sound is better. My teacher asked me if the edges aren't too sharp, but then he said "There is no accounting for tastes." (I hope it is the right translation
Now I will learn the English music and trombone terminology so I can discuss it with you guys
After Maturita (Czech final exams - it is like A-levels) I will have plenty of time to practise and to discuss here
So cross your fingers on 24th May 8:00-11:30 GMT +1
New Forum Members!
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:37 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Hello. I play Trombone(obviously). I shall move far away from "here" once old enough. I started Trombone September of 05(my 6th grade year) I have been first chair everytime for regular school events. I was in district band 05-03-07 through 05-05-07. I had my thirteenth birthday 05-06-07. Anyway... I like concert and Pep Band. I masy join Marching Band next year, if I get better than what I am now. All my friends are in band. One can honestly be a Psychopath, but very entertaining, another likes to creep people out by doing such things as biting people. I love playing the Trombone and I excell at it, and I rarely practice. There are only 2 Trombones in my Grade. We will be playing Overlords, a Song For Friends, and Pirates of the carribean for our Spring concert.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:41 pm
by ttf_BariTrom
Welcome to the site guys
New Forum Members!
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 6:52 pm
by ttf_Thomas Matta
Has DJ Kennedy ever made the trip over here to TFF?
New Forum Members!
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 7:25 pm
by ttf_BFW
Quote from: Thomas Matta on May 21, 2007, 06:52PMHas DJ Kennedy ever made the trip over here to TFF?
He sure has!
New Forum Members!
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:53 am
by ttf_dj kennedy
JUST GOT BACH FROM VEGAS ITF --- -WHERE WERE YOU ??????????????????????????????
ocassionally i might peep something besides instruments //accessories
lotsa content of all kinds on the moose lodge
much time to follow all the soaps
read all the newspapers
watch all the new movies coming out
read latest novel
latest recruit
CAROLYN JOHNSON ---met her and spent some time w her and her friend birdie at the ITF
Quote from: Thomas Matta on May 21, 2007, 06:52PMHas DJ Kennedy ever made the trip over here to TFF?
New Forum Members!
Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:39 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Hello to all of you.
Don't know how important trombones are in your family life, but to me (or us) it is.
I met my wife because we were in the same section at the university orchestra. We were both King players, so that matched well, and we decided to stay together. We maried and moved, and as there were no good community bands in our new neighbourhood, we both stopped playing.
And then the kids came. We decided to introduce all of them to music (even our 1.5 year old twins have cheapo instruments
). So when the time came the oldest had to find a band, I took up playing the trombone again. But I switched to my wife's 4B Silver Sonorus in the process.
In the mean time, the two oldest sons are also playing trombone. The second started on alto, and recently needed to move to a larger imstrument. So he's inheriting the small/medium bore of the older, who just got a large bore. While ordering the large bore, my wife got me a bass trombone for my 42nd birthday "just for fun". Well, I loaned a bass for some gig, and she saw I had fun doing that and these Chinese instruments cost next to mothing these days.
Oh well, so I'm the head of a family where 4 people can play the trombone, and we've accumulated 6 instruments in getting there. I assume that justifies the nickname "BoneFather"
New Forum Members!
Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:34 pm
by ttf_BGuttman
Welcome, Bonefather. We also have Bonedaddy, Ben Patterson, who is in the USAF Airmen of Note.
How are you finding the Chinese instruments? Our feedback has been that they are hard to play and don't hold up. You willing to put your Chinese bass against the King 4B? (Btw, I had a 4B Silver Sonorous (not sterling silver bell; just a silver plated horn.)
FWIW, the only non-American trombone in my collection is a Yamaha 682; almost everything else is King, Conn, Holton, and Martin. Oh, yeah. I have a Whaley-Royce (Canadian music dealer) G-Bass from 1930; may be a Boosey, or it may be something else.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 11:36 pm
by ttf_BoneFather
Quote from: BGuttman on Jun 10, 2007, 04:34PMHow are you finding the Chinese instruments? Our feedback has been that they are hard to play and don't hold up.
I'm in Belgium, which is obviously in Europe. We typically get these instruments from vendors on Ebay Germany. Although we also got a chinese French horn from the UK a few weeks back. We don't stick to brass, We also have a chinese digital piano we bought in Germany, and we have imported over a dozen chinese string instruments for ourselves and family/friends.
There are some larger music shops in Germany who import these instruments, and put their own name on it. The Jinbao bass can or could be bought at least under the following names: Cantabile Brass, Behrensbach, West-Coast, Fasch. I'm sure you could find them under even more names if you look hard enough.
If there's interest, I will open a topic in the instruments forum on the instruments we have experience with. But the summary is simple: if your plan is to audition for a major orchestra, you likely don't want to use these. But for guiding kids through their first 5-8 years of playing, and/or for playing in not-so-high-level community bands they'll do more than fine. Heck, I wish I would have had that small/medium double bore with F-valve Yamaha clone when I started to play. I had a Conn Director but there are several reasons why I prefer that chinese clone for starters.
QuoteYou willing to put your Chinese bass against the King 4B? (Btw, I had a 4B Silver Sonorous (not sterling silver bell; just a silver plated horn.)
Given that our (shouldn't say "mine" - technically it's my wife's instrument
) 4B is a sterling silver bell, there's not much I would put against it. Although I wouldn't state the 4B SS is an easy instrument to play. Took me some time to get used to it. But once you master it, it's a joy to play - and hear. It's not a "modern" sound, but it holds its own.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 5:43 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Hi there. My name is Alex Silver. I'm a trombone player from Sydney, Australia. Looking forward to posting some stuff soon.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:14 pm
by ttf_BFW
Welcome to the forum, Alex!
New Forum Members!
Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:26 am
by ttf_Woolworth
I see that Phil Teele has joined our hallowed ranks. Welcome, Mr. Teele!
New Forum Members!
Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:15 pm
by ttf_dj kennedy
New Forum Members!
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:38 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Hello everyone I am Craig Perkins. I love music especially playing the blues in both my schools jazz bands. I play 3rd in the top Jazz group (will be 2nd next year because the trombonist who is 1st in all state is graduating) and I will be playing 1st in the lower group. I also play in the marching band where I got my nickname from. I will also be trying out for my region band next year and the solo we have to do has got some weird rhythms so wish me luck! It is Andante et Allegro by Barat. Well I look forward to meeting all of you.
Sackbutts rule!!!
New Forum Members!
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:03 pm
by ttf_ParLawGod
Welcome to the forum!!!
New Forum Members!
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:42 am
by ttf_anonymous
Hello Everyone,
I'm new to this forum, and I'm a trumpet player by trade (gasp! Let's not stone him yet...hear him out!). I managed to pick up a "soprano trombone" (some of us call it a slide trumpet...) recently and boy has it been giving me a run for my money. It's pitched in Bb just like my regular trumpet and my normal mouthpiece fits in the receiver, but after's a totally different world. Anyway, I'll be enjoying reading up on the forum and may post a few questions. I'm glad to be here!
New Forum Members!
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 12:31 pm
by ttf_RedHotMama
Hey there, Scott! Welcome to the forum!
Don't be shy about being a trumpet player here - it's all brass, after all.
I also have a slide trumpet, but haven't managed to play it yet. If I could squoze my trombone mouthpiece into it, then maybe I'd get somewhere.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 5:34 pm
by ttf_conductorjonz
Well...I'll chime on on this. My name is Greg Jones and I decided to start playing again after being off the horn for a while. (15 or so years.) I don't know why I decided to play agan, but I'm having fun learning all the basics again.
I have a 1938 King 2B Liberty, a Getzen Super Deluxe - Tone Balanced (curvy bracing and all), a King 3B (new), a King 4B (new) and a King military issue Liberty model, an Olds Recording slide/valve trombone, oh and a Holton Revalation too.
God willing, I wont have a need to carry them all to one gig. It would look like the Paul Whiteman band with all the mutes, etc
I live in Toledo with my wife Erin and dog Bear. I work in broadcasting and also part-time for the railroad as a bridge tender. The bridge is a good place to practice undisturbed.
I check the forum nightly and find it's a great source of info. Thanks to all who contribute!
New Forum Members!
Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:43 am
by ttf_RedHotMama
That's a lot of kit, Greg!
Here's a
for the new King 3B. I've never played a horn I liked better.
Welcome to the forum!
New Forum Members!
Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 3:07 am
by ttf_conductorjonz
Thanks! I always played a King horns. They take a ton of abuse! The 4B is just a "new thing" to try I guess. But so far I like it quite a bit. I'm a big guy...I need a big horn.
The Getzen may hit the Ebay market soon, the Holton is display only, I play the Kings while practicing or playing. I can't resist them!
New Forum Members!
Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:27 pm
by ttf_bassbone12
Hey everyone! I'm Chris (there seem to be a lot of Chris's here for some reason...
) but yeah...just joined a few days ago and didn't see this thread. I'm a junior in high school and play the bass trombone I've already taken a lot from the forum and I look forward to posting more!
New Forum Members!
Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:48 pm
by ttf_BGuttman
Hi Chris. Glad you like our "house".
Please feel free to ask questions and to chime in on topics. We don't think there are any "dumb" questions except for those you don't ask. And everybody can provide information (please make sure you know what you are saying, though!).
Make sure you read the Terms of Use and have a grand time.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:22 am
by ttf_anonymous
Quote from: RedHotMama on Apr 02, 2004, 10:32AMIf you are new to the OTJ Forum, welcome!
This topic is for new members to introduce themselves. Please tell us about yourself, your instrument and your musical interests. And anything else!
OK,,,Attention everyone, I called RHM last nite and she was not at home, no doubt at a gig.
I heard her voice, and is a lovely voice, indeed. She has some strange & foreign accent and does NOT sound like she is from Brooklyn.
I hope to see her soon since I am making a trip to London and other European destinations. Including a big band and jazz festival (also trombone) in Tuscany, Italy. At a lovely town called Ambra (AR)...y'all come!
New Forum Members!
Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:37 am
by ttf_RedHotMama
Hello, Early!
I was at a jazz festival - not playing with my band, although I did do a turn at one of the jam sessions - and just got home a couple of hours ago. My accent is old-fashioned BBC English - goodness knows why, seeing as I was born and still live in an industrial town. At least, it was industrial until Margaret Thatcher disposed of all the industries in the UK.
I hope we can meet up.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:52 am
by ttf_BGuttman
Hey, Early, welcome. Or is it welcome back? I seem to remember seeing some posts by you back about the time of the WTC incident. Back then we were the Online Trombone Journal Forum.
Still, looking forward to learning at the feet of a master.
(Incidentally, I am from Brooklyn.)
New Forum Members!
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:37 am
by ttf_anonymous
Hey, guys (and gals). This is Rich from Fresno, California. I'm a high school English teacher who played trombone from 4th through 12th grade (concert, marching, jazz). I haven't played a horn since high school, but about 5 years ago I realized that something was missing in my life: playing music. I bought a cheap bass guitar because I figured I could still read bass clef music and I had always wanted to play in a rock band. Since then, I've bought and sold a lot of basses and equipment, but I still missed playing my old trombone. Recently, I stated poking around on ebay and on a whim, bid on an old H.N. White "American Standard" horn. I didn't really think I would win it, but I did, so now I'm excited about owning a horn again. I belong to several bass guitar forums, and I'm looking forward to learning a lot from all of you.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 11:25 am
by ttf_RedHotMama
Hello Rich!
Welcome to the forum.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 11:45 am
by ttf_ParLawGod
Welcome to the forum!!!
New Forum Members!
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 6:41 pm
by ttf_BariTrom
welcome new peoples
just make yourselves at home
New Forum Members!
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:38 am
by ttf_anonymous
Hello all. I'm not really a "new" forum member, but a returning one from a long absence. I've been occasionally lurking for a while, but I think its time to come back in a more active way. Looking foreward to some witty repartee as it were....
New Forum Members!
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:41 am
by ttf_RedHotMama
Welcome back, Craig!
Looking forward to hearing from you.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:12 am
by ttf_anonymous
Hello everyone. I'm not a new member, per se. I registered ages ago, and lost the URL, forgot about the place, and only just a few hours ago found it again. Yes, I really am Elkhart 88H's son, and he introduced me to the trombone back in grade school.
New Forum Members!
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:16 am
by ttf_RedHotMama
In that case, another "Welcome back"!
New Forum Members!
Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:37 am
by ttf_anonymous
Hi my name is Nathan
I'm a student at Ridge JR. high and I play the bass trombone
New Forum Members!
Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:39 am
by ttf_ParLawGod
Welcome to the forum Nathan!!!